
Professional Logo Design: A beginner’s guide to the benefits

Logo plays an important part in every branding strategy.Professional logo design will distinguish your from your competitors and also uplift your brand image in the market. An innovative yet simple logo makes your company popular amongst the customers. This is the major reason that companies are giving priority to logo design. If you are looking to make exceptionally beautiful designs, then take assistance from a professional graphic design company in United States.  

The benefits of professional logo design are endless and the companies have understood this. If you are still not convinced, read on to find out some of the advantages of having a professional logo design.

1. It leaves an impression on your customers

Customers are used to take a decision within a fraction of second in today’s times. Hence, your logo plays an important role with that aspect. A unique logo design can hook a lot of customers to your company. It is important to understand that the font, colour, size and style of your logo will say a lot about your brand. Thus, while designing a logo make sure that it clearly states your services and offerings. Hence, there are a lot of reasons behind hiring a professional graphic designer. A professional logo design can surely take you a long way.

2. Market your brands across various platforms with your logo

If you are looking to make your brand popular, then you will have to promote it across all the platforms. You will have to include social media channels as well as offline channels for the same. Thus, you need a very responsive logo for your brand. A professional logo designer will help you make one. Also, you will need the logo in different dimensions for different platforms. So, when you upload your logo across all the social media channels, your customers will think of you as an independent and serious brand.

3. Helps in building brand identity

Brand and logo are two complete different things. Having a professional logo does not guarantee you to have a brand. However, a brand will surely need a logo as it acts as an identification card. A logo is considered as a pictorial representation of your brand. Thus, if you are looking to perform strategic branding in the market, then hire a graphic design company in United States to curate your logo. 

4. It is a good return on investment

A lot of start-ups and small business owners think that hiring a professional logo designer will increase their budget for no good reason. However, it is important to understand that it is a good return on investment. An unprofessional or tacky logo will not be able to attract customers. Benefits of professional logo design are immense and thus, it is worth the investment.

5. Enhance customer relationship

There are a lot of benefits of a professional logo design but, one of them is solid customer relationship. Customers will get attracted towards your logo and you will earn their trust and loyalty. A logo establishes the first impression and so, it needs to be technically stable and artistically inclined.

6. Helps you to stand out

The importance of professional logo design is crazy. It keeps you apart from all your competitors. Your customers recognise your products and a logo helps them make the buying decision as well. At the same time, a good logo with attractive colours, fonts and style will help customers recall it. Thus, if you have a dull and boring logo, it will just get lost in the browsing history.


The importance of a professional logo design is never ending. You will just have to invest once, and then you can reap the benefits for a lot of years. However, take your own time and then finalise on a logo design. This is because once you start the branding, you will not want to change the design again and again. A particular design imprints in the customer’s mind and altering it again and again will hamper your brand immensely. 

If you are looking for a graphic design company in United States, then check Rjm. They have a professional staff and thus, they will cater to all your needs. They also have a great portfolio as they have worked with a lot of brands. They are in to logo designing, branding, social media designing, website designing and much more. 

For more information on their services and charges, visit Rjm today.

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6 Latest Branding Trends in your strategy will attract more customers

Building a brand identity in today’s competitive times is not an easy task. It all depends on how you present yourself and how you target your potential customer base. Thus, a lot of businesses are understanding the importance of branding and trying to implement it. However, a lot of businesses are trying to innovate strategies and bring something new in the market to attract their audiences. Many businesses are also trying to adapt branding trends to make their products and services work. Although, you need to understand these trends thoroughly and study their impact on your business before moving forward. 

It is important to understand that the branding landscape is evolving with every passing year. Thus, as a business it is necessary to adapt to the change and accept it. Using new branding trends can lead to dynamic growth and thus, you can explore its fullest potential as well. Changing trends demand learning and flexibility as well. Thus, a lot of good graphic design company in are trying to do that. They are getting prepared for the changing demands of the industry and are trying to provide the utmost value to their clients.
Also, a business today needs to embrace technology as most of the things can be done with it. It can literally be the driving force of your brand. However, there are a plethora of branding trends options available with the technology as well. So, it is important to focus on the things that resonate with you and adapt to those strategies. 

Building a personal brand is vital for your business. Increasing the brand awareness and targeting your potential audience can be the game changer for you. So, read on to find out the important game changing branding trends of 2020. Implement them for your business and see the results for yourself.

1. Optimise the logo application

Ask your graphic design company in to create a contextual, responsive and flexible logo for your brand. It should be accommodated on various screen sizes and different places of usage. It is imperative to optimise your logo based on the different advertisement and marketing requirements your company has. Also, keep the design intact, just change the dimensions based on your medium. 

2. Customised fonts

This is one of the biggest branding trends of 2020. Minimalistic designs are no more in fashion. Instead, artistic fonts and styles that can emit your brand’s personality are preferred. Using fonts that are classic, strong yet modern is the biggest trend. Such fonts should be used in a logo design as it can look really innovative. Also, avoid using these fonts for a blog or article as that can be very distracting to read.

3. Tone of the voice

Reviews of products and services are gaining popularity quickly. Most people are basing their buying decisions on these reviews. Thus, consumers expect brands to deliver the things that they promise. So, brands that are consumer centric and deliver what they promise stand apart. So, make sure that the tone is well defined and communicated.

4. Optical Illusions

One of the branding strategies of creating engaging content is by producing optical illusions to attract your customers. The graphic design company in does this by blurring the lines between 2D and 3D. 

5. Motion Designs

Motion designs is one of the most popular branding trends of 2020. This trend has gained popularity because it is able to entice and engage the audience. Graphic designers are adding easy and subtle interactions in the web designing department. 

6. Abstract shapes and Geometry

Grids, lines and abstract shapes are a part of branding strategy. The simple and boring lines are revamped and are turned in to curves. You can even add cheerful colours so that they are pleasing to the visual eye. The designs are made approachable so that the audiences find it easy to connect with them. 


These were the top branding trends of 2020. Add them in your branding techniques and strategies. You will surely see the results. People are inclined towards aesthetic brands and so, try doing the same with yours. Use techniques that are in trend so that your creative sensibilities do not look out of fashion. 

Are you looking for a graphic design company in ? Then, check Rjm as it has a great graphic designing portfolio. They can help you with all your branding needs. So, check their website for further details and prices. You will surely be satisfied with their work.

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How to Switch To Eco-friendly Packaging to Help the Business Grow

Eco-friendly packaging

With so many environment awareness programmes, it is actually hard for one to be unaware of the current condition of the environment. Global warming is at its peak, the ozone layer is depleting, there is plastic in the sea and a lot other factors are already causing a lot of problems. If you have been conscious of the environment, you would have also noticed that the environmental situation also affects your business, as well as the marketing of your company. One of the most important aspects of how your business take stand for Eco-friendly packaging

We have witnessed plastic packaging since we were all kids. From candies to snacks and beverages to grocery, we have witnessed all kinds of products wrapped in plastic packaging. The moment we became conscious, our schoolbooks informed us about the properties of plastic on our atmosphere, and it assuredly left a noteworthy influence on our minds. However, now, that we can share our thoughts with Eco-friendly packaging with the help of social media, we are growing more conscious. With the idea of not affecting out environment because of our business, it is important that the companies put some thoughts into eco-friendly packaging design.

In the way that awareness about the environment is increasing, this will have a huge impact towards their customers. Their products will get more appreciation as well as their company for saving a thought about their world. This might also help in increasing the shopping of your products. Eco-friendly packaging design for business grow is also a great idea to attract the environmentalists’ o our world.

Consciousness and Consumerism

Nowadays, the consumers are way more aware than they ever had been and this is one of the reasons why it is also very important that you take the matter of affecting the environment seriously. The customers today are conscious, they are very analytical of the social, ecological, political as well as the environmental balance affected by any of the products they purchase. They know what will benefit the society and thus the content of the packaging as well as the product is important for them. 

As a conscious being of the society, it is also important that you take care of the environment as well. This will help a lot in the branding of your business and also in making a good impression over the consumers of your product.  Therefore eco-friendly packaging can prove to be really beneficial for your business.

Benefits of Eco-friendly Packaging for Your Business, Consumers and the Environment 

As an owner of a business, you need appositive response from the society to establish your company and the easiest way of doing this is using eco-friendly packaging. The energy used for manufacturing these packaging materials is also way less than the others. As a business owner, you will also get the products needed for manufacturing these at a lower price. These products are then delivered to the owners without any shipping charges as well. This helps you in attracted a sector of environment conscious people. You get a lot of social media advertisement because of this and is also a hot topic for advertisements. You also get the advantage of harm that is caused by packages made of plastic.

In a way, eco-friendly packaging design is beneficial for the customers as well. By buying your product, they are also contributing to environment awareness. Furthermore, clienteles can recycle them without being upset about the element that it could harm their kids. The wrapping will also be easy to get rid of, and it will also solve the problem of disposal of garbage, which is another one of the very common issues in the urban areas. Consumers love products with eco-friendly packaging as these do not comprise of harmful products like chemicals.

Eco-friendly packaging also has another advantage that it can be recycled and used again without worrying much. It also reduces garbage production. Another fact is that these packages are biodegradable and as a result, it makes garbage disposal process a lot easier. The products can also be reused without the fear of causing any harm to the atmosphere.

So, that is why a lot of business men prefer eco-friendly packaging design for business grow. It helps the business, the customers and also the environment making it an amazing idea. Nothing makes this seem like a bad idea.

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8 tips for emerging brands

8 Expert Branding Strategies for Global Emerging Brands

Branding Strategies

Globalisation is one of the best things to have happened to everyone owning a business who wanted to spread the business past the borders of their country. A lot of companies now aim to be spreading their business outside of United States as well to get global recognition for their services. Now according to the branding agencies in United States, it is not at all an easy deal to do the marketing of a company in a global scale. It is important that they follow proper branding strategies and similar measures to achieve success in the global market. 

Read on to find a few of the branding strategies for the emerging brands to make gain success in the global market:

Brand Culture

Your brand must be able to portray the culture and personality that you want the world to see in you. This helps you a lot in getting more customers. Along with this, if your company shows strong guidelines and values, equality between all customers as well as all employees, will give your customers an overview of what you and your company stands for.

An Insider and Outsider Hack

All the cities and countries and have a different set of culture and norms. So in order to market on the global platform, it is important that one knows their customer’s needs good enough to provide their services efficiently. SO be acquainted with both inside facts and figures, and also and inside out approach to make a good impact in global marketing.

Micro as well as Macro Perspective

Internet usage throughout the world has increased a lot over the last few years. A lot of search engines have risen up to provide a tough competition to Google as well, which is in fact saying something. Along with the increased usage of internet, a lot of businesses, such as Flipkart, Snapdeal, Ola, Uber and a lot other business platforms has spread globally. Therefore make sure that you know both the macro and micro perspective of all the countries to make a good impact in global marketing.

Knowing the behaviour of their customers

One of the best branding strategies for the emerging brands is knowing the behaviour of your customers. A lot of companies have failed in marketing because they have zero clues about the behaviour of their customers. It is the primary step in case of branding strategies and is one that marketers should always consider while trying to make an impact in branding. It is also important that the company knows where to spread their business to.

Communication is the key 

It is an important point that the company communicates with the countries globally. There are a lot of digital platforms which offers marketers the opportunity to adapt to various measures and programs to market globally. Therefore it is a fact that the marketers need to communicate a lot with others with the help of social media if they want to spread their business locally.


Technology has come a long way through the years. It has come to be almost impossible wanting to make a band without taking the help of technology. Numerous companies have taken the help of technology in one way or another so that they can manage branding their company globally. Using technology has thus become a very normal thing when it concerns marketing your company in a global platform.

Brand Translation

Another one of the important branding strategies is making sure that there is a translation of the name of your brand in every country that you wish to gain a customer network in. The name game matters a lot here and if this is not done, there is a high possibility that this will turn out to be a total disaster. Therefore it is an essential step that you have the brand name translated in languages of the countries you want to spread your business to.

Make Use of the Local Trends 

The local trends are something that will always help you in getting attention of the customers. This is a strategy that works both locally and also in the global platform. In this case you are giving the customers something that will let them to stick with their cultural as well as personal interest will help you a lot in gaining the market.

These are just a few of the branding strategies for the emerging brands which will help to success.

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complete branding tips to define culture

Complete Branding Tips that Define your Business Culture

Culture plays a huge role in defining your business, and also the way you treat your customers as well as your employees. The values you hold, the believes you have, the long terms goals you have, as well as the mythology of your work is shaped a lot by your culture. Similar to the way that culture spreads, it is important that you make sure that your business spreads too. The process of spreading your business is also known as branding. You can also take the help of several branding agencies to brand. One of the easiest ways of showing your culture through branding is by treating your customer as well as the employees working for you well. If you treat your customers with respect and all, you are also providing the best service to them as well. When you treat your employees well, they like working for you and give you better service. These are all things you learn from your culture and this explains clearly how well a culture can mold how you use our company.

When you combine your own culture with the branding of your company, it gives you the best combination to work with for the development and advancement of your company. If the customers like the culture that you portray, they will also like your company and would like to work with you as well as come for your services. Mentioned below are a few such tips which will help you to show your culture through the branding of your company.

Show the culture through your brand

The very first step you need to take for the branding of your company, even if you ask any banding agency, will be to do some marketing for your company and product. Make sure people know the company and everything that you stand for. If people agree with your values, they will want to take your services and also work with you. They will have a better understanding of how you work and it will be a good start for something greater.

Make sure the employees you hire can characterise your brand

You need to make sure that your employees have the same values that you have. Employees are a very valuable part of every business. These are the people who will represent your business. Nowadays the companies are paying a lot of attention to their employees as well. There are appreciation programs, more investment in employees and a lot since this represents the value and the cultural believes of the company. These not only motivate the employees to put more efforts and efficiency in their work, but it also helps a lot in the branding of your company too.

Make a point of narrating the story of your success

A brand with a story to support it will always be a good option to make an impression on the customers. Stories are great in attaining emotional attention of the customers. So if they feel like they know your journey, they will also in a way feel attached to you in a way. While you narrate the success story of your brand, also tell them how your believes and values helped you in achieving these goals. Your target customers will always appreciate this.

Make sure that your brand identity is a mix of values and culture

Before your customers take your services, it is important that they know what you do, why they should take your services, the process which you follow while working and all the other related information.  If your customers know these through the brand identity you create, they will have a good impression of you and they will also appreciate taking your services. If this is visually represented by your brand identity, it will help your brand have a great feel and look. The branding agency you have taken the help of will definitely be able to help you with this.

The real motive of your company

The vision, or motive, of the companies is often given in their websites only. But unfortunately, also for most of them, they fail to complete it. You can also consult your branding agency in this and get them to help you portray to your customers a clear set of vision and goals for your company.

These are just a few of the basic branding tips that help you show your culture through branding.
If you are looking for a branding agency and graphic design company in United States, then you must visit Rjm. They have an illustrious portfolio and they provide services for logo designing, website designing, branding and much more.

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3 tips for startups

3 Amazing Tips for Converting Your Start-up into Branding

It is a known fact that we learn from not only our past, but our present too, and by learning from these and analysing from everything, you can also picture the future and plan accordingly. When it comes to business, analysing these facts will also tell you how your business will perform in the future. For the progress of your business, it is important that you know how to convert your startup into a brand. A solution for this is hiring a branding agency to help you with this. These brands come up with ideas as well as planned strategies to help your brand transform into a brand. 

When we talk about branding of a company, it’s not an easy thing. So it’s important to have a few strategies to go into this work. Many strategies have already been implemented and the new strategies that are coming up are really even more complicated. However, there are some strategies that some companies have tried to convert their startup into a brand but have failed miserably as the strategies were not good enough. One of the main reasons behind their failure was that there was no creative message to convey to the society in those strategies. Also, if you are a service provider, it becomes incredibly hard for you to plan a strategy fruitful enough to convert a start-up into a brand with the business is way too familiar.

Also above that, the scenario of the market is also constantly changing throughout a year. This year also, a lot of new things have made their way into the market. If you are an entrepreneur, it is very important that you keep yourself updated with all the little trends and strategies that have come into the market so that they can implement it and use it for the benefit of their start-up. It is known that you use the latest trends in the strategies you use for the branding of your company, and then it is sure to be very effective. Read on to find a few effective tips which will help you in trying to convert your start-up into a brand.

The stories related to your business

When it is said that you share the stories of your business with the clients and customers you have, it doesn’t not only mean the stories of your business. You have to also narrate to them the stories of your customers as well. Customers are one of the most important aspects of any business. That is why you must focus on the customers as well when you narrate your stories. Make sure that your stories revolve around how your services as well as your products have affected the lives of your clients and customers. Explain the issues of your target audience and how your services have helped them to make an impression on the customers. While it is important to mention your success stories, it is also important that you tell the stories of these customers and clients who made this success possible for you.

Break the Convention if Necessary 

There are more than necessary similar companies existing in the market right now. In a time where the competition in business is constantly rising, it is important that your brand stands out in the crowd. Breaking the convention will help you a lot in making you unique and will make your brand stand out. This will in turn help a lot in branding. A lot of people think that breaking the convention will have a negative impact on their business, but it is unknown to people that the research has showed that breaking the convention has actually proven to leave a positive impact in the business.

Make sure to Have Great Designs to Empower the Brand

Designs and artworks are the thing that attracts most of the attention. Packaging designs, brochure designs, business cards and logo designs plays an important role in branding your business.

One of the problems that every company faces is the problem of money. Investment plays a huge role. However, investment is something that you have to do in case you want your business to work. Therefore, you have to make sure that you have other ways to save some money for future use of the company. The three tips mentioned above are sure to help you in branding if your start-up.

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professional branding agency

How a professional branding agency can change the business ball game for you?

One of the most important things when you are working for the branding of your company is the focus. It is important that you focus on the happiness, need and requirements of your customers. Also, your focus should be visible on the branding as well. A lot of professionals in the field of marketing, design and branding have agreed to the point that focus is one of the most crucial aspects of branding. If you hire a professional branding agency, you will see that they believe that every company will once go down. This marks the time for the owner to check for the flaws of the company.

Everything changes with time, and it is important that you pay attention to it and make sure that the change is for the better. Business owners don’t always know what to focus on while branding their companies and this can mark a mistake in the very beginning of the journey. Therefore, it is important that entrepreneurs hire a professional branding agency to help with the branding of their company. If they are settled in , they can just search up branding agency in to know about the agencies there.

How Do You Make the Best of Your Brand?

It is not a said fact that not using a branding agency means you’ll definitely make a mistake. You do not absolutely need a branding agency, but they do own the necessary skills and knowledge to make things better and easier for you. An important part of branding your business is that you make sure to share stories with your customers. With time, your stories should change too. If your brand is one that you are raising from the dust, and hasn’t received much attention from the industry yet, then make sure that your stories reach people as they can get you the much needed marketing for your company.

For example, if you have a website or mobile app and also a social media page for your company, make sure that you post about your products consistently. Make sure that you have a better strategy because, if you implement it correctly, you will be able to rise up the competition. Make sure that your customers know that they are important to you and that your services will help them. It won’t be extremely easy, but it will be worth it in the longer run.

Here Is How:

If you are facing any problems in branding your company, don’t waste any more time and hire a professional branding agency at once. They will take care of your problems and make sure that your company is getting branded in the best way possible. They will have good strategies to work with too. Based on your needs, you can decide if you need your branding agency to do just one thing or get all the related work done.

Read on to find what a branding agency usually does for its customers. 

1. Look at your company from a different point of view 

When you hire a branding agency, it will look at your company from a different point of view. As an outsider, they will be able to give you more ideas and inputs and help in the growth of the company.

2. Gives solutions that they have tried and tested

A branding agency has worked with a number of different companies. Therefore, all their solutions are tested. These companies have a whole lot of experience and they will help you in understanding what problem you are facing. When you are hiring, make sure you hire a professional branding agency as they have more experience as well as success rate as compared to others.

3. Give the company a holistic picture

The professional branding agencies know what they are doing. They will have a clear idea about how to make your brand look complete as a whole. They pay attention to all the small and large aspects of the business and make sure they all contribute in making the company a whole. Thus, hire a professional branding agency.

4. The Investment is sustainable

It is important that the branding agency you choose is one on which you can rely on in case of future necessities too.

Hence, hire a professional branding agency as it can do wonders for your business. Investing in the right strategies is vital in today’s competitive world.

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ways of making global brand

5 tested ways of branding to make your business a global brand

Branding is a very exciting process for both the agencies and the company as it is a process of growth and success for the company. All the new business owners, entrepreneurs, are scared of how their business is going to do, and this fear is justified; the competition in the market is extremely high right now. The process of branding is the one in which a company makes name for itself and in the best case scenario gains global recognition. 

Many of the companies have suffered major losses mostly because they failed to follow the proper process. In most of the cases, for the owners, it is hard to put complete faith on a branding agency regarding the company that they have established with tremendous efforts. They have a thousand thoughts plaguing their mind as a business owner. One of the most important thoughts is if it will turn out okay or not. When the owners are working with a new branding agency, this fear is justified but, when you have experienced and learned people helping you through the process, it almost always goes extremely smoothly without many problems.

Apart from the matter of completely trusting another agency, there are also several other factors that leads to the failure of proper branding of the companies. Read on to find a few of those causes:

1. They are not well informed about branding

As long as the company owner is not sure about the services that the company is providing to its customers, and the owner doesn’t know how branding will help the company, branding can seem extremely scary to them. The best thing with branding is that the owner doesn’t have to do a whole lot of work about it. They just have to hire a professional branding agency and be rest assured that this agency will take care of it for them. They have experience with other companies and most of the times their solutions are tested and approved of. They have helped several other companies like yours and you just have to have faith that they will help you too.

2. The increasing investment

Investment is another very important aspect of any business. Branding agencies demand a lot of money and it is important that you have the funds necessary to afford these agencies. To check for the efficiency of the agencies you can also check the reviews that they have which will tell you stories of how they have helped other smaller companies. They will help you on the branding, based on the purpose and the services that your company is going to give to its customers.

3. Patience is a Virtue

Branding is a very long process, therefore it is important that the business owners have the patience to wait for the necessary time to see the results of branding. Immediate return is not an option here. Don’t worry about the investments that you have paid, be patient and wait for it. Your investments will surely pay back.

4. Branding might seem like starting from the very beginning

A new business means new website, new office, new page and a lot more work. If the owner is afraid of all this work, one easy way is selling your company to one of the foreign business owners. They will work for the branding of your business and give a percentage of the profit to you. Another thing you can do is you can get yourself enlisted on one of the selling apps that work internationally and sell them the goods directly. Another thing you can do is sign up a partnership with a foreign company. This will help you to work with them as partners and bring in more business for your company.

5. Needing more Salesperson and having a good market strategy

If you have a complete team working on the field of sales and market for you, it won’t be that hard for you to do the branding. They will do most of the work for the branding of your company. However, not many people choose this option, especially in case of small companies.


These are a few of the basic things which people don’t consider while thinking of branding. This is why it is believed that hiring a professional branding agency is the best option, if you want to turn your company into a brand.

If you are looking for a branding agency and graphic design company in United States, then check Rjm. It has a great portfolio as it has worked for various clients in different industries. Check their services on the website.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

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best packaging design

9 Proven Things to commemorate while product packaging designing

Most of the time, we overlook the packaging design. We hold the idea that if the product is of good quality, then the packaging will not be of great concern, that the quality of the product is what matters only. Even though it is partly true and the quality of the product is a very important thing, customers also care a lot about the packaging of the product too. Most of the companies now have started focussing on the packaging design.

It is important that the packaging of the products is innovative, and that the packaging complements the product itself. For example, if you are packing something that is dangerous to children but looks attractive to kids, that’s a disaster waiting to happen. To have the best packaging design, it is important that you know which things matter in case of having a good packing. Read on to find all the important things that you need to keep in mind to have the best packaging design.

1. The Correct Print

Prints have an important influence on packaging design. Make sure that you know the limits of your printer before choosing the colours for your packaging.

2. Make sure you have the right material

The quality of the packaging material is extremely important. You need to choose the material which helps in keeping the product preserved. It is also helpful, if the package is re-usable, or even better, environment-friendly. Also, only use as much packaging as necessary. Overdoing it will only be wasting the product which can cost you a lot of time and money.

3. The Style

The style of the packaging mostly depends on your target customers. Go for colourful and animated styles, if your product is targeted towards children. The style should be classier, if your target customers are adults and mature. The products matter a lot so make sure that there is a picture of the product in the packaging.

4. Classy and shiny

Even though shiny stuff is still considered to be the best, it is not always a good option. Even if you prefer to make the packaging shiny, making it overtly shiny will hold it back from being classy. So, make sure that the packaging design doesn’t shine too much. Instead, you can make sure to add some bright colours so that it serves the purpose of being shiny. For example, let us see the packaging of Maggi, even though it is not shiny, the bright yellow colour helps in holding the attention of the customers and also makes it stand out.

5. Has a Pleasant Typography

It is important that along with being eye-catching, the typography should also be easy to read. There should be enough spaces in between words and letters and the letters should also look artistic.

6. Make sure you use the white space

One of the major facts to keep in mind for having the best packaging design is to not keep white space at all. The name of the product goes on the top of the packaging. Even though there shouldn’t be much white space, you also need to make sure that the packaging doesn’t seem too crowded and clingy.

7. No Clutter at all

Clutter is not appreciated anywhere in the world, so while packaging a product, you need to make sure that there is no clutter. Make sure that it doesn’t seem extra. Go minimal and yet make sure that it looks classy. This is one of the major things that you need to do before finalising your design.

8. Make sure that the trends don’t leave you behind

When you are concerned with packaging, make sure that you are updated with all the trends. Even if it means taglines on the packages or even just images you use in the packaging. Any reference to the on-going trends will attract a lot of attention to your product.

9. Add a little Emotional Pitch

Make sure that the designs you use are neither too loud nor to low. You have to maintain a balance between the highs and the lows so that you make impressions on the right people that concern you.


These are just some of the things that are concerned when you have to have the best packaging design for your products. Keeping this in mind will give you the best packaging for products.

Are you looking for the best packaging design company in United States? Then, visit Rjm and check their portfolio online. They deal in everything from branding, logo design, website design and packaging design.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business
Design Principles for website

8 Design Principles for Website that skyrocket conversion rates

Currently, the situation is such that all the businesses are moving on the digital medium. One of the first steps that these companies are taking to move in to the digital medium, is to create a proper website for their company. Most businesses are taking the help of graphic design company in United States to get this job done. 

A beautiful as well as professional looking website is always one of the best ways to hold the interest of your audience. However, only a good looking website is not good enough to get adequate conversation rates in it. There are a lot of other things which are also very important. In case, you do hire a graphic design company in United States, they know a lot about the Design Principles for Website which will help your company website a lot. 

Thus, let us now focus on some of the design principles which help in raising the conversation rates in the websites.

• Make sure to respect the patience of the user 

Nowadays, people are not very patient when it comes to internet buffering. Delay in page load time can lead to drastic reduction in the conversation rate in the website. In case you are working with any graphic design company in United States, they make sure that the page doesn’t take too much time too load.

• Hick’s Law

A famous British Psychologist named William Edmund Hick had once invented a rule called the Hick’s Rule. The rule states, that the time taken by a person to make a decision is directly related to the number of choices that person is getting. The more choices a person is given, the more he takes time to make the decision. This is one of the most important design principles for website. Professionals will make sure to give a boost to the conversation rates by giving the customers less choices.

• Making Use of Negative Space

The blank spaces that you can see on your website are known as the negative space. These spaces are known to cause reduction in conversation rates in your website. Make sure that you can use all the negative space available on your web page. You can take the help of any professional graphic design company in United States to make sure that your website doesn’t look crowded and yet every little unused space is utilised.

• Check that the images you use are high quality images 

If the images in your website are of low quality, they will also bring down the quality of your content, and as a result, of your website as well. High quality images will be able to easily impress the customers. Images are way attractive than texts. Using high quality images will drastically raise the engagement on your website and also the conversations rates of it.

• Try out the F Layout

It is now a known fact that when people are browsing through the website, they scan the screen in an F Layout. This is known as the natural behavior of people now. So now, most of the companies make sure that they present all of their contents and information in an ‘F’ pattern so that it gets in the eye of the people.

• The Importance of the Colours 

Colours are one of the most important parameter in case of web designs, but it often gets ignored because of other important factors. It might not sound important but colours are extremely important to hold the attention of the audience in your website. Make sure that you choose a combination which portrays the emotions that your brand deals with.

1. K.I.S.S – K. I. S. S. stands for ‘Keep it simple, dude’. Don’t overdo the website. Keep it simple and pleasing in an aesthetical way.

2. Use Real life scenarios – Using real life scenarios always make a great impression.


Mentioned above are the top eight design principles that can help you a lot in boosting up the conversation rates in your website. If you follow these design principles for website, you are sure to get more activity and audience in your website. For this purpose, you can also take the help of any of the graphic design company in United States, which will help you in making the website in such a way that it attracts attention and keeps the visitors interested.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business