web design trends

5 Best & Amazing Design Trends for 2020

Web design trends fall under the category of those things which changes a lot with time. For example, if you put a little bit more focus on the modern websites being set up nowadays, you will observe that the designs of the navigation buttons are amazing. These designs are better in a way that they capture the attention of the visitors. It not only makes a good impression, but also gets you good response from the viewers. Different types and styles of design trends are now in use however, there is no guarantee that this design will have the same response in the very next year, Designs are something which fall under the creative category. Therefore, it is important that the web design trends are always up to date. There are a lot of new ways in which you can explore the world of designing. Listed below are five of the best web design trends which might help you in the coming years to gain a good idea about what to do in web designing

Dark mode

Dark mode designs look really modern and they are great for the eyes. They make all the design and colours pop. Such web design trends are classy yet minimalistic. Such themes work great on OLED screens by saving power and extending screen lifespans. At the same time, their utility does not stop them from looking phenomenal. They just accentuate other colours and make everything look aesthetic. 

Choose imperfections for personality 

Hand drawn design elements add emotions and humanity in to a website. This is because perfect and impersonal graphics have been the design trends for years now. Hence, the visitors are craving for personal and imperfect graphics on the web. In 2020, you must include some hand-drawn graphics as it will add some soul and realness in your website. It will also add on to your brand personality as you can create customised stickers and tell your brand story in your own way. 

Immersive 3D elements 

People are delighted to see 3D visuals. This trend had taken a back seat only because of limited technology and expensive price tag on it. However, now the technology has advanced and thus, you can design in 3D without NASA-tier equipment. This has opened the gates for more designers to create 3D elements.

Soft shadows, layers and floating elements 

This trend helps in creating depth. You can add soft shadows and floating elements to give an interesting depth to your website. Apart from that, this effect can be used for texts and photos as well. It is possible to add some feature of material design and add a little oomph to 2D layouts with soft drop shadows and layering elements too. Such web design trends are invented for the extra depth that is needed for creating interest to the visual eye. Such designs also give a lightweight feel to your website. It will look as if the elements are floating on each other with a sharp contrast. Such effects will add life to flat lays as well.

Make sure to add videos to it 

Add small videos here and there in your web page so that you can also better presentation along with content and images.  Make these videos in the form of little slide shows so that they can serve the purpose of explaining things to the viewers without taking much of their time. The slideshows or videos also give you an opportunity to add more images to it. Videos are always a better way to explain things to people or hold the attention of your audience.

Mix photography with graphics

This design trend resonates with the collage like trend. You can either add some elements to a bland photo or add some serious attributes that help you communicate better with your audiences. It is a great way to get your images customised and add some personality to them. However, make sure to add graphic elements that match your brand’s personality and complement the original picture.   


These are the five of the best web design trends that you can follow in order to make sure that your website can hold the interest of the people.

If you are looking for a graphic design company in United States that is well versed in all of the web design trends, then check Rjm. They have a great portfolio and they can cater to all your graphic needs. 

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Proven Ideas that work in Graphic Design Layouts

Proven Ideas That Work In Graphic Design Layouts

The digital shift in businesses has changed a lot of equations. Nowadays, brands need to have a digital identity on various mediums. However, creating a digital identity requires a graphic design company in United States. Without hiring a professional, you will not be able to keep up with the demanding digital world. It is important to understand that whatever you see on a digital page is the part of a layout. The design of the page needs to be logical and coherent. At the same time, it should contain the logo of your business which should not look like a mess.

If you are confused, then read on. We have summarized the important steps that you must know for graphic design layouts.

What do you mean by Graphic Design Layouts?

A graphic design layout refers to the arrangement of things that is necessary for graphic design. The first step in this is to decide on the image, style and text. After that, you need to arrange them in such a manner that they are able to deliver the message that you want them to. Graphic design can impact a person’s mind based on the placement of colors, text and fonts.  Graphic design layouts are the perfect arrangement of all the elements of graphic designs so that they create an impact on the customer’s mind. The layout needs to be visually appealing and user friendly as well.

Graphic Design Layout Principles

You can have knowledge of designing and experience as well. However, it will still be difficult to fit in all the elements of graphic designing in a particular layout. Hence, it is always a good idea to go by the rules. 

All the elements in your design need to be balanced as that will give a smooth flow to your design. Major elements need to be on the centre position whilst margins need to be on the sides. You can add reflection and rotational symmetry for interest.

Always make a three by three grid while working. The key elements need to be at the focal point where two axes meet. It is popularly known as the rule of third. 

The graphic design layout principles focuses on the rule of unity. It states that all the elements must be uniform. They should be aligned to the grid with a uniform size. The dimension needs to be equal as well.

What kind of graphic design layouts templates should be used?

There are endless choices when it comes to graphic design layout templates. You can use HTML code for customizing a single page that does not use a theme. Also, if you are okay without elements like header and footer, then liquid layout elements can create unity. This effect is usually created by CSS property. Apart from that, the top graphic design company in United States uses table layouts. Such layouts rarely break and you do not need a separate CSS style sheet for the same.

Places to derive inspiration for Graphic design layouts

Inspirations cannot be generated specially. They usually come to you all the time and you have to pay attention. You need to observe the details in everything around you and you will never run out of ideas. This is one of the most important principles of design. You can seek inspiration from the title of the book you are reading or the next movie poster that you want to watch. You layout inspiration is always in front of you.

Techniques of graphic design layout principles

It is important to focus on the layout for four different things which includes positions, style, rhythm and typeface weights. This is the major reason that the focal points of a good graphic design are accent and focal point. Accent is usually referred as the group of secondary emphasis points which helps in framing a proper graphic design layout. Also, you must use the negative and positive shapes wisely in the layout as they can help you in achieving something outstanding.   

These were some of the principles of design that every graphic designer must know and follow as well. As a designer, it is imperative to make everything simpler.

If you are looking for a professional graphic design company in United States that has all the knowledge, then go for Rjm. They have a vast knowledge in designing layouts and they have the right knowledge of the elements as well. You can check their portfolio to be sure.

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Tips for Logo Design Concept

Insider Instant Tips for Logo Design Concept for your Brand

When you are planning on starting a new business, you have to focus on a lot of things. However, the first one is the logo. Logo is literally the identity of the business. You will need it on everything from website, packaging, labels and even social media posts. Without a logo, all of these things will look unprofessional.  Thus, a logo is a necessary tool. However, most people feel that logo is all about picking a style, font and color but, when you speak to a professional graphic design company in United States, you will know that there is more to that. There are various things that you must remember while creating a logo.  

Read on to find out the best logo design ideas for business.

1. Make it Representative

Your logo should represent your industry. People should get a clear idea about your products and services from the logo itself. Also, it should blend with the nature of your brand. Choose a logo that resonates with your values and ethics.

2. Logo should be Positive

Your logo design concept should be positive. It is literally a representation of your business and thus, it should represent good things. Make sure that your logo creates a feel good factor in the customer’s mind. At the same time, it should not be offensive to any part of the world population, even if they are not your potential audience.

3. Be smart in choosing colors

Colors play a different impact on the consumer’s mind. However, when deciding on colors for a logo, opt for minimal shades. The best logos of the world are made in one or two color shades only. You can use various colors too but, make sure that they complement your logo design concept.

4. Pay attention on the shape

Choosing the right shape is one of the best logo design ideas for business. Some of the universal shapes for a logo include square, rectangle and round. Although, you should choose a logo based on the amount of space you want to fill in. You can go creative with your shapes as well. However, consult the top graphic design company in United States, before trying something different.

5. Do not stick to just trends

Your business could any time take a plunge and become popular. If you would have created your logo based on the trends, then that will be a problem. Trends are ever changing and completely relying on them can be disastrous in the long term. Explore for creative logo design ideas but, stick to classic designs.

6. Keep Consistency

Keep your logo consistent with the way it is designed and presented. Developing a logo in different shades will hinder the audience’s attention. Also, not everyone has the budget to develop a logo in different shades. A single logo design concept will save money and create a greater impact in the minds of your customers.

7. Logos should be Memorable

You need to work on various creative logo design ideas as logos should be memorable. A lot of experts suggest that complex and over creative logos does not mean that it is nice. Instead, they are hard to remember and they do not connect well with the audiences. If you want to create a brand, then logos should be simple and easy to understand. They should communicate with your audiences and they should be able to remember them as well.

8. Do not try to be the Graphic Designer

Various businesses think of designing their logo on their own. They feel that it will save them a lot of money. However, your logo is your identity and it will carry forward everywhere. Thus, if you are serious about your business, then get your logo made from a professional graphic design company in United States. There are certain rules and techniques of designing that a graphic designer will know. 


These were some of the logo design ideas for business. Understand them and try to imply them when creating a logo for your company.

Are you looking for a graphic design company in United States? Then, check Rjm as they have a vast portfolio. They have worked with various brands for logo designing, website designing, packaging design and even social media post designing. They will be able to cater all your needs.

For more information on services and prices, visit Rjm.

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Graphic design company in United States

8 Quick Tips To Discuss With Your Graphic Design Company

Graphic designing services are a great form of investment for any business. Since it is an investment, every businessman will expect some form of return on it. However, before starting with the designing, it is imperative to study on the target audience and their requirements. Only then it is possible to communicate with them and acquire new leads. On the other hand, designing also changes from person to person. People have an individual choice when it comes to color, design and even theme of the graphic. A good graphic design company in United States will sit and scrutinize the behaviors of the end users so that their efforts appeal to them.  

There are a lot of factors to understand and remember while designing a good graphic design. Read on to understand the tips needed to design a graphic masterpiece. 

Core qualitative elements that a graphic design company should keep in mind

1. Better Functionality

A graphic designer needs to study the target audience, their requirements, habits and performances before designing a graphic. The main reason behind providing graphic design services is that it should appeal to the audiences. If the customers find it appealing, they might pay attention to it and the business will be able to acquire more leads.

2. Brand Reputation

A graphic designer should understand the reputation of the brand they are working on. The design should add value to the brand and upgrade it. Customers gauge the reputation of a particular brand based on their logo, website and the design of the graphics. Hence, understanding the brand and what it stands for is really important for a graphic design company.

3. Better Aesthetic Appeal

People are attracted to attractive visuals. Hence, if you want your graphics to stand out then they should have higher visual appeal. Any business will want to work with a graphic design company in United States that can produce creative and high quality of graphics. The graphic design should carry an element that helps in building a higher reputation for the brand and increases its awareness as well. The design should also be easy to recall and remember by the customers.

4. Customer Satisfaction

People who provide graphic design services can only sustain if they offer customer satisfaction as well. Customer satisfaction helps the graphic design company as well as the business as both rely on the end user and their satisfaction.

5. User Interaction

A graphic designer needs to adopt new ideas and trends. At the same time, they should be aware of the changing demands of the clients and what they like to see in general. The whole idea of getting graphics is to create an impact on the user’s mind while attracting them towards a business. Thus, the graphic design posts need to be relatable and easy to understand. At the same time, they should contain trending styles so that it looks creative and relevant as well.

6. New Market Adoption

A graphic designer has the responsibility of designing the front face of the company. He/she needs to be updated with the latest trends of the industry they are working on. The designer needs to know the creative designing strategies as well. It is imperative that they put their best efforts for the end user.

7. Reducing the Waste and Materials

Graphic Design Company is a very precious source of any business. Thus, they are expected to provide the services with minimum wastage of time. They are also expected to deliver high quality work with maximum creativity.

8. Cost Saving

Cost saving is an important aspect for both the designer and business. A professional graphic design company in United States is expected to provide services with the available tools in the most cost effective manner. This particular process will help the business to gain maximum return on its investment.


These were some of the tips that a good graphic design company must keep in mind. If you are a business looking for graphic design services, then you must see all these factors before collaborating with a particular company. It will help you to do your things hassle free with greater productivity and benefits. 

Are you looking for a graphic design company in United States? Then, head to Rjm because they have an illustrious portfolio. They indulge in to logo designing, website designing, package designing, and label designing and social media graphics as well. They will cater to all your needs in time and budget.

Check their website for the prices and their design process. 

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business card design

8 Remarkable Tips for Business Card Design that turn eyes

There are certain basics of starting a business. The most important ones include having a logo and a business card. They act like an identity of your business and are great marketing tools, if used the right way. Most businesses think of designing a business card on their own. However, you can only make a rough template on your own. If you are looking for something professional, then you need to hire a graphic designing company in United States for the same. This is because the business card does not contain the information of your company alone. Instead, it creates the first impression of your company as well. 

A lot of studies suggest that a poorly designed business card can increase the chances of your rejection. Thus, if you are planning on a business card design, then read on the tips.

1. De-clutter the card

The business card design has a limited space. Hence, avoid putting unnecessary details on it. Just highlight your contact information and the gist of your services. Do not add every single detail in it. Just add your name and your contact information with the logo. A lot of people overflow the card with a lot of details. This will hinder the attention of your audiences and they might fail to register anything. 

2. Be smart with pictures

Some years back, graphic designers used to refrain from using pictures in business cards as they were of poor quality. In today’s time, the printing technology has undergone a lot of innovation. It is possible to use high quality images on business cards now. Although, make sure that there is no fuzziness in your pictures. A little fuzziness will also leave a bad impression on your customer. 

3. Look for the right font

The best business card designs have the best fonts. Take some time to choose them as they create a great impact on your customer’s mind. Discuss this in length with your graphic designing company in United States. This is because a professional business card should be clear and concise. Do not be overtly creative as the main idea behind making a business card is readability. Complexity of fonts can sometimes hinder the communication of your business card design.

4. Leave space for QR-Code

Certain things will look classy and smart on business cards. QR-Codes are one of those. Generate a code on your business card design for your website. Hence, your customers will just have to scan that and they will land on your website. They can quickly check about your services and products there and thus, you do not have to add them on your business card.

5. Use the right colors

Any example of good business cards will contain a smart use of the color combinations. Colors are said to convey the thoughts that you wish to deliver. They create a vibe and set the tone and personality of your brand. Discuss this with your designer and try and listen to them. They have a better experience at this as compared to you. You can even experiment with different shades of the same color. When it comes to a website, opt for combinations.

6. Do not leave the backside empty

When you have such a small space, leaving the backside empty of a business card design does not make sense.  You can use that space for the QR-Code or just for the logo of your company. However, refrain from writing about your products and services here.

7. Customized shapes

You can be creative with your business cards. Instead of going for the usual rectangle shape, you can opt for squares and even circles. However, going for a fancy shape might cost you a little extra but, if you have the budget then you can go for that. Apart from that, you can give a little roundness to your rectangle shaped card and make it look interesting. It can be considered as one of the examples of good business cards.

8. Use Good Quality Material

A business card is the identification of your company. Thus, using a good paper material is a wise option. If you deal in an industry which is in to materials, then definitely use a good quality one. Refrain from using cheap quality of paper as it will not leave a good impression of your company. Sometimes, customers can reject you based on that too.


These were some of the examples of good business cards. Make sure to implement these tips while designing a card for your company as they will help in leaving a good impression.

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Professional design processes

6 Things To Remember While Indulging In To Professional Design Processes

Graphic designing is a creative and demanding job. You will have to work hard to accomplish the task with precision even if your clients have simple demands. However, there is something more important than creativity and that is time management. You can be one of the best graphic designers but, if you cannot deliver your work in time, you will lose on a lot of clients. At the same time, you cannot spend a lot of days on a particular job as you will lose on the other clients. Thus, you need to check on to some tips from the best graphic design company in United States as they are experienced and they can literally guide you in the best way possible.   

Thorough research and double checking is required in every project. However, there are some critical steps that you must follow while designing for your professional partner.

1. Understand your client properly

The first part of such professional design processes includes understanding the needs of your client. Ask them relevant questions about their company, services and project. This will help you in designing a concept which will easily convey their message to the clients. Also, make a list of things that you think should be covered. Highlight the taglines, inspiration, type of graphics and various ideas behind a particular thing. Share the rough draft with everyone related to the project so that your client is also in the loop.

2. Focus on brainstorming

Many professional design processes emphasis on brainstorming. This is because your mind usually starts producing ideas once you get over a project. Thus, you must not choose to waste this tome. Make sure to list down every thought that your mind has. This will help you when brainstorming ideas for a particular project.  You might find some of the ideas to be useless in the beginning. Although, when you mix a particular idea with others, it might get interesting. Always document your ideas in the form of list, maps and rough sketches. Also, save all the design concepts so that you can use them whenever needed.

3. Do not forget the research part

The research must contain three parts. You need to start by researching about the company and its aims. Check the history of the company and its goals. Also, check their clients and trends related to the industry. The next step involves researching on their potential audience. You can divide the audiences based on language, age group, geographical location, gender and even income. The third part involves inspirations of your design.

4. Give some practice time

Almost all the professional graphic design company in United States gives importance to practice or sketching time. You can always sketch and understand the beauty of a design. You might get various ideas in your mind but, sketching them will help you clear the fog. You can then decide what actually looks nice. You will also be able to gauge the size, color, shape and type of the design when you start sketching.

5. Develop the design concept

The development of design is a very crucial step. You will have to develop some of the potential ideas to show it to the client for approval. It is a good idea to show them at least two options. However, if you have finalized on a particular concept, then showing one design is also enough. You need to understand that the client might ask you to change or go ahead with the concept. Always double check your design before showing it to the client. It is a good idea to explain the idea behind the design as your client will be able to understand it better. 

6. Revision

Set aside time for revision in the professional design processes. At the same time, you can also suggest the necessary changes in the final design to your client. Follow a mix and match method based on a decision from the both of you. Also, have patience. You cannot expect an approval in the second round only. There might be changes but, your design will be taking a better shape after each revision.


Following the professional design processes is a very good idea as it can help you create masterpieces within no time. Also, when you follow the steps, you will have a concrete method to deal with the client. 

If you are looking for a professional graphic design company in United States, then you must look for Rjm. It has a great portfolio and it caters to all the graphic designing needs of the clients.

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Logo Designs can Attract Your Potential Clients

6 Proven Ways : Your Logo Design Attract Your Potential Clients

Designing a logo for your company is one of the most creative jobs. In the line of work of making a logo design, where you have to constantly keep working on yourself to make sure that you are making improvements and you have to keep yourself up-to-date with every little trend and design. Since this is a creative field, practising these skills is always one of the best ways in which you can make sure that you are not stuck in one place and are making progress. However, apart from just practising, there are also several other things that you can do to improve yourself. If you have plans of working in a Logo Design Company in future, you have to make sure that whatever you do, you do it with passion, and that you are putting in all of your efforts too. 

There are certain tips and tricks that the logo design companies or freelancers follow in order to make sure that their works are better and unique than the others. Make sure to read the following stops to learn ultimate ways logo designs can make an impact on the customers and clients.

• Make sure that your research discoveries are up to the mark

Creativity is a huge part of making a logo design, yes. However, it is not enough in your reaching your full potential in the said field. You also need to make sure that the logo that you are making is good enough to fulfil the needs, requirements and expectations of your clients. To attain this goal, you have to keep extra care that you have done a very detailed research before you have designed the logo. 

These will help you in making sure that the logo you have designed is sending the correct message. Make sure that you know enough about the company, the business line of the company and all such details before you make the logo for it. If you don’t know these pieces of information, you won’t be able to make the logo properly. You can also check out their websites, pamphlets and other such sources of information. Talk to the client thoroughly about what they want to make sure that you are able to serve them according to their needs.

• Make sure that you Understand the Company properly

Before you start making the logo, it is important that you understand the company. Ask questions to your client. Any questions you have about their company make sure you know everything that you can reflect through the logo. A good logo has enough power to give a visual of the company to the customers, and to make that good of a logo, you need to ask necessary questions. Don’t shy away from asking questions.

• Focus on mobile in the beginning

The number of smart phone users in the world is increasing rapidly. So first, just assume that the website of the company is going to be accessed from a mobile phone. Make the logo accordingly. Keep the logo simple and use your creativity to make it catchy still. These simple logos are much underrated but these are one of the best ones since they appear clean, tidy and not crowded.

• Don’t be stuck in your comfort zone, even for fonts 

Some of the logo designers mostly stick to the older fonts as they feel uncomfortable to use the new ones. However, using the new ones means doing a lot of creative experiments which re actually good for your creativity as well as the logo you are creating. There are a lot of programmes that allows you to get access to new free fonts.

• Make sure to have inspirations

Check out as many posts with logo designs as you can. Check out the works of students, professional freelancers and other logo design company too. These will give you lots of ideas to work with in future.

• Make sure to make the right impact 

Make sure that you use all the necessary information in making the logo so that you can make the right impression on the minds of the clients and customers seeing the logo. It needs to hit the people on their subconscious to make then indulge in the company or the product.

Make sure to follow these tips in order to achieve the ultimate ways logo designscan impress people.

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benefit of packaging

Tested Benefit of Packaging Design that skyrocket buying

When you are trying to make your business grow in a market where there is already a lot of competition, it is important that you make sure that you considering every single aspect that can help your business grow. Leaving even just a single stone unturned might cause harm to your company. Speaking of factors which will help your business, providing the customers and clients with a proper presentation of the product and creating a good impression on them is extremely important. The way that your product is packaged is strong enough to influence the decision of whether your clients and customers will be interested in it or not. To speak more directly, it has a lot of influence over the sales of your company. This is one reason why it is very important that you have proper packaging design ideas for your product before you launch it in the market. If you decide to take the help of a packaging design company, they take the whole responsibility of packaging it from your hands.

Customers and clients often fall in love with the packaging designs. Therefore it is important that your product has impact packaging. 

Of course, you are making sure that the product you are launching in the market is of high quality and is useable too. However, if you accompany that product with a cute and attractive packaging design, it will only boost the sales of that product even more. For some people outer perfection doesn’t matter. For some, it does though, and it definitely won’t hurt you to use a cute packaging design idea.

Mentioned below are some of the benefit of packaging – 

  • One of the major benefit of packaging is that if the packaging is cute and attractive enough to catch someone’s attention, it will get its first chance very fast and will only have a positive influence on the sales.
  • If the packaging of your product has a dynamic as well as a high standard, it will only help in convincing the customers more of the quality of the product.
  • Sometimes impact packaging designs can lead to triggering some emotions in the customers which makes them feel emotionally connected with the product or the company. This will also help a lot in increasing the sales.
  • If the packaging design of the product is good enough, it will help a lot in becoming the face of identity of your brand.
  • If the packaging design idea of the product is effective, the people buying it will also feel like they are having a great experience.
  • If you work hard enough to get a good logo design, it can also help you product and packaging to be identified.

If you are going for a signature packaging design, you have to make sure that you pay extra attention to the colours, font, font size, pictures, information used et cetera. Using these consistently will be a huge help. Make sure that the packaging looks nice overall and that the customers are gonna like it.

There are also a few things that you can keep in mind in case of packaging if you want the packaging to make a good impact on the people. Read on to find some of the things which you can keep in mind while you talk to the packaging design company – 

• It must be easy to use

Even though a beautiful package will attract the attention of the users. It will be of no use if the product inside is not worth it to the users. The product must be easy to use and worth it.

• Must maintain proper hygiene

The product as well as the package must be free of germs. Hygiene is of top priority for the people nowadays and it is important that your product inside the packaging does not cause any problem in hygiene for the users. If the product is unhygienic and problematic for the users, the beautiful cover will not lead it anywhere.

• Make sure to provide enough information

When a new product is launched into the market, the customers have a lot of queries about it. They want to know about the constituents of the product, the calories, manufacturing date, expiry date, instructions, manuals and a lot more. Make sure that the packaging lets them know all they want to know to favour your product.

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Latest Trends in Packaging Design

7 Trends in Graphic & Packaging Design to Triumph the Customers

If you are working in the field of graphic design, you should know about all the trends existing in the world of graphic design right now. However, it is an important that you do not just know about the trends but understand them too. Latest trends in packaging design are such things that one of them can be the top most trend and the other one might to fail to make even a little impact. The driving force behind these trends, which make sure whether they will work or not, depend on the designs that are behind them. The word design refers toall of these three – packaging design, logo design, and also website making. 

Packaging design is an extremely important aspect of the company as it can later impact the sale of the product, the branding of the company and also the growth and development of the business. Therefore it is extremely important that the packaging design is up to the mark. The graphic design is the part of design which is responsible for the proper marketing of the product and the company was well.

The packaging design is one such factor which also conveys the quality of the product to your customers. It creates an impression on the minds of the people and if the packaging design is not good enough, the customers might just assume without even trying the products that it won’t be good. Therefore it is important that you pay attention to the packaging design of the product. 

On the other hand, graphic design portrays to the customers and clients the quality of the service you will provide to them. It gives the brand a unique image.

Even the designers can do with a bit of tips which help them to pan how to go about their work. Read on to find a few of the latest trends in packaging design and graphic design as well – 

• Look to it if you can make the package transparent

This one trick is the most useful in case of food items. In case of food products, the packaging only not enough to convince the buyers. In this case, if the package is transparent, it allows the customers to see inside the package and judge the product by themselves. Letting the customers know what they are purchasing is always a good decision. They show good ethics and as a result, it helps you to gain the trust of your customer.

• Adopt Illustrations

If you can make a human connection with any form of hand drawn graphic art or icon is one of the best things you can do. Following this trend brings a tinge of reality to your design and a lot of people really appreciate this trick. When you have a hand drawn art, it brings an emotional connection with the customers and thus the customers feel like they can connect better to the company now.

• The packaging design must convey your brand message

It is important that the people understand from the packaging design the motto, vision, mission and aim of your company. The message should be such that the people can feel that they can trust this company and try out the product.


• Go Vintage

Feeling a little bit of nostalgia has always made people emotional. The advancement of technology is always appreciated, but going vintage as a different kind of feeling overall. However, it is important that you maintain the balance between modernity and sharpness.

• Logo

Make sure that the logo design is a simple which is also easy to recognise. Logos are actually the designs which later turn into the face of the company. If the logo is responsive, it increases the conversation rates in your website. Another point is that to make sure that the logo is adjustable to the size of the website so that they can fit to the size of the browser.

• Use Cinema-graphs in graphics

Make sure to use gifs and very small videos to get the attention of the customers. These moving pictures are in trend and are something that increases the interest of the people a lot.

• Use a Modern Layout

Breaking information into chunks is only possible if you use a modular layout, which fortunately is also one of the latest trends in the world of design.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business
Logo Designing

Why Bigger isn’t the Best for Logo Designing?

There is a saying, which states that the bigger the better. This saying goes everywhere, no matter what it is, we always prefer if it is bigger, even if it is rivers, mountains, fruits, food, rooms, everything. However, there are some things which have nothing to do with this saying. The Logos that are there for every company fall under this category. Bigger isn’t the best for logo designing.

Logos make the first visual impact on your customer. Therefore, these are truly extremely important. If you ask any graphic designing company, you will know that most professional graphic designers prefer to have the logo in a suitable size. Often people think that bigger logo means more information, but that is a wrong concept.

A logo is supposed to be small and easy to remember. Therefore, big is an enemy in case of logos.

Big logos are not acceptable in mobile applications and even websites. When you have a smaller logo, it goes well with the mobile apps. In the case of logos for mobile apps, you have to concentrate more on the size. This will then turn out to be the smallest identity of your brand and yet it will also take the responsibility of conveying the maximum information about your company to the people in a very realistic way. If the logo will be of a bigger size, it will also be responsible for causing the over-crowding of the screen and will be distractive to the attention of the people. The logo should be small, tidy, and should catch the attention of the people.

When you have the responsibility of logo designing, you have to understand that this seemingly easy job is not actually that very easy. The logo is a small image which turns to be the face of the company, as visually, that is what the customers will remember you with. Most people don’t understand the importance of a good logo, until they have actually dealt with it. Apart from the size, there are also a number of other things that matter in it. Read on to find some of the matters that are extremely important when it comes to designing a logo –

• Stick to the original 16 colours pallet

With the speed that the technology has advanced over time, the graphic designers now get a lot more options in choosing the colours for the logo. The enhanced colours have a lot smoothness and depth. Even though these new colours have a lot of variations, there are a lot of things that vary here. In the previous set, there were only sixteen colours of extremely high quality, these sixteen colours are also known as the original colour pallet. Even though variety of colours is a priority for logo designing, sticking to the original colours will also give them a good depth and better hues.

• The best policy is readability and reliability

Two of the most important and necessary concepts of logo designing are readability and reliability. It is extremely important for your company that the logo conveys the important message and visions of your company, the offers you provide and the services you give as well. Apart from this, the logo should also convey the needs of the audience and refer to their side as well. You can also see to it that the logo has some connection to a parent brand which might also be a big help in branding and promoting.

• Make sure the logo is simple and clean

Mobile screens are much smaller than laptops. Therefore that is one of the important factors is that the logo remains, small, clean and tidy. Bigger isn’t the best for logo designing. Make sure to use your creativity as much necessary and to make the logo beautiful and trendy, but too much of it will only lead to a disaster. Too much of it will only take it away from its serious purpose of gaining information and will only stand to be a pretty image

One of the major graphic design trends is using gifs. Make sure to use enough gifs and small videos. These things seem to make the website seem more interactive. These also bring in higher conversation rates on your website. This combination of audio and video has proved to be a lot helpful for the website.

• Make sure that the logos are responsive 

Mobiles phones are now gadgets that everyone has. With a smartphone in everyone’s hand nowadays, you can be sure that most of your clients and customers will get access to you website through their mobile phones. If your logos are responsive, they act as a saviour and can be a lot helpful if they want to match the size and designs needed for the logo to be mobile friendly.

It takes a good portion of effort to utilise the sixteen colours for designing animaginative, advanced, enlightening, relevant, readable, humble, fresh, and unique logo. If you can make sure that your logo stands out then you are doing it great. Logo crafting is the art of balancing; you have to mixall in the right amount to make something faultless.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business