Types of company logo

Logo Design Importance: Rules that Make or Break a Brand

A logo is one of the most important things that a company is concerned about. It is not just a picture, but it forms the identity of your business in the industry. As a new growing company, most of them, take the help of any good branding agency. If you ask any such branding agency, they will also tell you that a logo design is much more than just a simple graphic designing. The main point of logo design importance is that it is actually a small introduction to your company. Branding creates a name of your company in the industry and logo gives a face to that name. Therefore, many companies choose to take the help of a logo design company who professionally make logos for such companies.

Read on to find some of the most important rules to keep in mind when you are making a logo.

Make sure to make a rough diagram before you make a final one

Logo design is one of the creative tasks. We cannot just fix a time and sit to do this work. Creativity comes and goes abruptly. Therefore, make sure that you make a rough drawing of your idea whenever you have any idea. In case you don’t know how to go about it, you can also study some logos of other similar companies in order to make sure that you know what your final design should look like.

Maintain a balance

One of the main points of logo design importance is to make sure that the logo is easy to remember and catches the eyes of the people very easily. To serve this purpose, the logo has a very balanced combination of shape, size, colour, graphics and other related things to make it extremely impressive and appealing. However, this is one such logo which you can afford to break if the logo looks good and catchy without it.

Make sure that the logo is of the perfect size

Branding creates a name and identity of your brand in the industry. This will bring your company to the attention of more and more people. Also, a huge number of people in the industry visit websites from their smartphones now. Thus, make sure that the logo has a perfect size so that it can fit the website in any view.

Use the colours to your advantage

Use warm colours for better visibility. These will make your logo look more appealing and will also evoke the right feelings in the minds of the viewers.

Make sure that the design complements the company

Keep your client in your mind while doing the research. Remember about the audience and the services the company provides and then design the logo to get the right one. Every company or business follows different ethics and thus it is important that there is something unique about their logo too.

Typography is important

One of the main things that a logo design company focuses on is the typography. The typography has to be unique to give the logo a unique sense. So don’t be afraid to experiment with the fonts.

Make sure you don’t deviate from the goal

The main goal of a logo is to get the company recognition. Logo design importance is to allow the viewers to easily recall the brand in their mind.

Different is good

If the logo you make is different, it will only help the company in standing out in the crowd of other companies and overall, in the industry too. Be innovating and make your style to leave an impact in the market.

Make sure it’s not too complicated

A good logo is one which is easy to remember. If the logo is simple, it will make the name of the brand easily recognizable and that is the main reason behind the companies having a logo.

Don’t overdo the effects

As a designer, you have a lot of powerful tools to use, and even if them seem extremely tempting to use, do not go for all of them. It will only make the logo look overdone with effects and will ruin the whole look.

Make sure not to copy others

You can take inspiration from others, but don’t directly copy anyone’s logo or typography. A logo needs to be unique for it to fulfil its purpose.

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5 Best & Amazing Design Trends for 2021

Web design trends fall under the category of those things which changes a lot with time. For example, if you put a little bit more focus on the modern websites being set up nowadays, you will observe that the designs of the navigation buttons are amazing. These designs are better in a way that they capture the attention of the visitors. It not only makes a good impression, but also gets you good response from the viewers. Different types and styles of design trends are now in use however, there is no guarantee that this design will have the same response in the very next year, Designs are something which fall under the creative category. Therefore, it is important that the web design trends are always up to date. There are a lot of new ways in which you can explore the world of designing. Listed below are five of the best web design trends which might help you in the coming years to gain a good idea about what to do in web designing.

Dark Mode

Dark mode designs look really modern and they are great for the eyes. They make all the design and colours pop. Such web design trends are classy yet minimalistic. Such themes work great on OLED screens by saving power and extending screen lifespans. At the same time, their utility does not stop them from looking phenomenal. They just accentuate other colours and make everything look aesthetic. 

Choose imperfections for personality

Hand drawn design elements add emotions and humanity in to a website. This is because perfect and impersonal graphics have been the design trends for years now. Hence, the visitors are craving for personal and imperfect graphics on the web. In 2020, you must include some hand-drawn graphics as it will add some soul and realness in your website. It will also add on to your brand personality as you can create customised stickers and tell your brand story in your own way.

Immersive 3D elements

People are delighted to see 3D visuals. This trend had taken a back seat only because of limited technology and expensive price tag on it. However, now the technology has advanced and thus, you can design in 3D without NASA-tier equipment. This has opened the gates for more designers to create 3D elements.

Soft shadows, layers and floating elements

This trend helps in creating depth. You can add soft shadows and floating elements to give an interesting depth to your website. Apart from that, this effect can be used for texts and photos as well. It is possible to add some feature of material design and add a little oomph to 2D layouts with soft drop shadows and layering elements too. Such web design trends are invented for the extra depth that is needed for creating interest to the visual eye. Such designs also give a lightweight feel to your website. It will look as if the elements are floating on each other with a sharp contrast. Such effects will add life to flat lays as well.

Make sure to add videos to it

Add small videos here and there in your web page so that you can also better presentation along with content and images.  Make these videos in the form of little slide shows so that they can serve the purpose of explaining things to the viewers without taking much of their time. The slideshows or videos also give you an opportunity to add more images to it. Videos are always a better way to explain things to people or hold the attention of your audience.

Mix photography with graphics

This design trend resonates with the collage like trend. You can either add some elements to a bland photo or add some serious attributes that help you communicate better with your audiences. It is a great way to get your images customised and add some personality to them. However, make sure to add graphic elements that match your brand’s personality and complement the original picture.  


These are the five of the best web design trends that you can follow in order to make sure that your website can hold the interest of the people.

If you are looking for a graphic design company in United States that is well versed in all of the web design trends, then check Rjm. They have a great portfolio and they can cater to all your graphic needs.

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posting on social media sites

Why posting on social media sites will change your marketing game?

Social media sites are one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. It provides a lot of benefits to businesses, as it helps them reach a lot of potential customers. It is a very profitable source and, if you are not investing in this source, then you are losing out on a lot of business. It is a great marketing opportunity as you can spread the news of your product and brand to thousands at once.

The best part about social networking sites is that marketing is not very expensive. If you want to put up an advertisement on television, radio or newspaper, you need to have a very big marketing budget. This is not the case with social media marketing.

How does social media sites help businesses?

The good part about social media marketing is that it helps start-ups, small businesses and even big businesses.

Social media sites increase brand awareness

Social media applications are one of the most stress free and convenient digital marketing platforms. The registration on all of these apps is completely free. All you have to do is create a profile and you are ready to go. However, you need to apply a good social media strategy, if you want to gain brand recognition.

It is crucial to understand that every app works in its own way. Likes for Instagram are achieved in a certain way while views on YouTube requires a complete different strategy. A lot of marketers’ claim that by spending a few hours on Instagram Facebook will help in increasing their brand visibility by 91%. It is equally important to understand that having a social media page will increase your brand visibility while producing audience for you in no time.

Social media platforms offer higher SERP rankings

There are millions of users on social networking sites. Hence, the attention span of audiences is quite less. Thus, to stay relevant, it is important for you to post every day. Also, if you post every day, your posts have a better chance to reach to the explore feeds of these social media sites.

Apart from that, once your post starts to trend, it has a higher chance of having more number of social shares. This has a definite impact on the search engine result page rankings too. Thus, this is one way of beating the immense competition on social media.

Social media sites can provide you better conversion rates

Digital marketing is the biggest trend for businesses currently. Although, there are a lot of factors that shape the industry. However, social media marketing is one thing that offers the highest amount of conversions and profits. It is really necessary to be active on various social media platforms. This is because you can share everything on social media from your blog, videos, images and even services. It is possible to link your website to various social media platforms and get traffic back on your site.

Also, social media profiles do not have to be formal. You can post emotional and funny content once in a while. This actually helps your audiences to connect with you in a much better way. The best part is that, if you customer feels connected with your brand or they find it relatable, they might be more likely to make a purchase.

Social media platforms build brand loyalty

Being active on Instagram for likes is a very good idea. However, it is a good thing to understand that you are gaining customers that are offering brand loyalty as well. It is one of the most difficult components of marketing. It can be a very intimidating task because there is a lot of stiff competition between brands to gain the loyalty of their customers.

The problem is that there are a lot of options available to the customers. Thus, it is difficult for them to choose as well. However, social media sites can offer you loyal customers as well. However, you will need a creative marketing team to achieve the desired results. Hence, it is a good idea to hire a nice social media marketing manager. This will help you to focus on your business and sales while there is someone to post for you consistently on Instagram Facebook.

Instagram Facebook retain consumer interest

Making an Instagram Facebook account for your business but, not being active on it is not going to do much for your brand. The whole key is to create a content calendar which helps your clients to focus on your brand, offers, services, products and even new product announcements. You will have to add value in your consumer’s life by providing them useful information.

If you lose your consumer’s attention span even for some time, you are leaving the doors open for other competitor’s to capture their attention. The viewers’ attention span has gone down drastically because of various companies emerging in every sector by increasing the competition. Hence, try achieving likes for Instagram but, also include some value adding content which educates your clients.

Social networking sites helps in collecting data

Social media platforms are a great way to know your audiences. When you upload different types of content regularly, you are ticking your customers as you will understand that what works for them and what does not. You will gain an insight in to their personal likes and dislikes.

You will have to check that which posts gain the maximum number of likes and which ones are shared the most. In this way, you will understand that what type of content is getting more attention from your audiences and what type is not working for them. You can continue posting that more and interacting with your audiences in a better way. It is also a good idea to run polls on your sites to get a better understanding of the same.

Social media sites improve your customer satisfaction

Social media marketing is a complete package. It helps you in increasing your brand awareness and gaining loyal customers but, it also helps you solve customer dissatisfaction. When the customer is not happy with you, they can always leave a feedback on your business account. The good part is that you can work in serving them better. However, it is important to remember that such issues on Instagram Facebook should be served promptly or else it can leave a bad impression of your brand.

You can resolve the customer complaints while providing them insights on your products and services. Also, respond to your customer’s problems promptly. As a brand, it is important to have a Twitter accounts as it is especially for customer feedback and support. However, you can help them on Instagram Facebook as well.

Social networking sites offer public relations

PR is the key to a good business. It helps you stay relevant in your customer’s minds. At the same time, it helps for B2B marketing too. With social media sites, it is possible for you to reach out to the press as well.

You can use this leverage for a store opening as well as a website launch. Sharing such exciting news in media will build your brand authority and keep you in the minds of people. Apart from that, your social media will share this information with your clients in real time.

How often to post on social networking sites?

Now, you do know that it is very vital to post on these social media sites regularly. However the other challenge is the time. Each social media platform has a particular time of posting. Although, the time is a very general information and it can change based on the audiences and industry.


For Facebook, it is sufficient that you post once in a day. However, posting three times in a week will also do the trick. It is important to remember that the time will depend on your target audience and you can obtain that information from Facebook insights.


It is important to post 5-10 times a day. Also, most twitter users are generally active between 8am to 4pm. So, post accordingly.


You need to post every day for one or two times. Also, add stories consistently and engage with different accounts for at least 15 minutes a day. Check the posting time in Instagram insights which are available with a business account. With such a schedule, it will be easy to get Instagram for likes.


This social media platform is very lucrative and thus, you should post once a day. Try to post between 10 am and 11 am. Also, avoid posting on Saturday and Sunday.


It is a social networking site which requires 5 to 30 pins a day. However, it is pretty simple and thus, you can go for it. There is no specific time for the same.


Time does not matter on this social media platform. The most important thing is consistency. Just post regularly.


Social media platforms are a boon for businesses. All you need to do is post regularly with good content strategy. If it feels like too much for you, then it is a good idea to hire a social media manager or agency for Instagram Facebook.

It is important to understand that almost everyone is getting on social media and thus, your competition is increasing after every passing day. Hence, it is important to be relevant and consistent on social media sites.

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WhatsApp Marketing Strategy

Why should you start with a WhatsApp Marketing Strategy today- The complete beginner’s guide?

Social media marketing has changed the business dynamics. It has taken over the traditional marketing and opened a wave of possibilities and opportunities for all kinds of businesses. When you think about social media, platforms like Facebook and Twitter come to your mind first. However, nobody remembers chatting applications like WhatsApp. Although, various messenger applications have caught with social media channels in terms of users. Thus, businesses are preferring to opt for WhatsApp marketing strategy to acquire potential leads and advertise their products and services.

When it comes to messenger chat boxes, WhatsApp is one of the most popular ones. It is a very outstanding platform and is also very quick and handy to send information to people. It has millions of users worldwide and thus, it offers a lot of benefits and features.

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is a messaging app that provides the option of voice and text messaging. It was launched back in 2009 and it has become very popular since then. Also, its features and flexibility have kept on updating after every passing year. WhatsApp is a free service and it can be used on the smartphone and laptop both. Apart from that, the best part about this app is that you can use it to perform calls as well.

The messenger provides so much that various businesses are planning to have a special WhatsApp marketing strategy to reach out to potential customers. This app is preferred by a lot of people because it works on various operating systems. It appeals to a lot of people as it helps with messaging drastically. With the help of cellular data and Wi-Fi, it can also help you make one to one or group video and audio calls.

Why WhatsApp design is beneficial for business?

Features and Advantages

Text messages for free

It is important to understand that you can send text messages for free while planning a WhatsApp marketing strategy. Even a normal text message given from your phone charges you for every message you send. This is the major benefit of Whatsapp and the reason behind people finding it really appealing.

However, you need to have cellular data or Wi-Fi access on your device. Only then it is possible to operate WhatsApp. Thus, a lot of businesses are using this feature to their advantage. They are getting special WhatsApp DP design made, so that their customers can identify them from there itself.

Unlimited real time messages for Whatsapp Marketing strategy

The best part about this feature is that you can send a message in real time from being anywhere in the world to your client in another part of the world. Sending real time messages can be really beneficial for your business as it is a great way to reinforce relationships and be in touch with customer feedback and demands.

Also, there is no restriction on the amount of messages you send. You can send unlimited ones and thus, as a business you can be on Whatsapp, so that your clients can contact you in real time to order, give feedback or solve a query.

Send various files with Whatsapp design

WhatsApp does not only offer texting. Apart from that, you can always send various files, images, video files, sound files and even your location. You can share multimedia messages as well. The best part is that there is no added cost for the same.

Having the liberty to send any kind of files can prove to be very beneficial for your business. This is because you can curate a video which describes your brand story or gives detailed information about your products. This will help you to keep your clients updated with aesthetic files. However, it is a good idea to contact a graphic designer for WhatsApp design post, so that your posts are visually inclined and you compel your audience to watch it.

Group messaging is very easy

With WhatsApp, you can form groups and send messages to hundreds of people at once. Apart from that, it is possible to create broadcast lists where you can send one message to various people without forming a group. Thus, with this one your message will be delivered to the customer in their personal chat only. Hence, they can reply back to you individually, without other people seeing it.

You can use this particular feature to send WhatsApp invitation design to your clients. You can use it to announce the launch of new products, coupons and even various offers. If you have a website, make sure to add that in the WhatsApp DP Design post as well.

These were some of the features which has made WhatsApp the most preferred application for entertainment and even business. However, some people are misusing WhatsApp marketing strategy.

Wrong Myths about WhatsApp Marketing Strategy and disastrous practises

There are a lot of businesses that are indulging in to disastrous practises because they find it easy. However, it is important to understand that these shortcuts and practises can bring disastrous results and your business will reach a stagnant point, instead of growing.

A lot of companies prefer to buy data and send a group message on those numbers. The problem there is that you do not know if they are your target audience. For example, you might be selling toys for children. Now, messaging with bought data can be disastrous because you might be sending your WhatsApp DP design to teenagers or young adults who do not have a child. So, buying data and spending money will not offer you any ROI because it is not targeted.

Also, buying and selling data is illegal. Apart from that, some of the numbers are switched off or do not even exist. Hence, it can be a complete waste of your investment for WhatsApp marketing strategy. Apart from that, Facebook and WhatsApp both consider buying data as a violation of their rules. If someone complains for the same, they can ban your business from using WhatsApp completely.

Apart from that, there is a different way of using WhatsApp DP design for business.

Differentiation between WhatsApp Standard and WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business has been specially launched for business owners who want to indulge themselves in to WhatsApp marketing strategy. It works in the same manner but, it does have added benefits and features. The purpose of WhatsApp is to connect businesses and clients instead of connecting friends and family.

Things that you can do with WhatsApp Business

With WhatsApp business, you can create a business profile and add details about your company, location and even its website. You can get a special WhatsApp DP design made from an experienced graphic designer, so that your profile looks professional.

It is possible to message your customers by sending them updates and even answering their questions. The business version helps you have a better WhatsApp design and thus, you can use it to your maximum benefit. You can create a presence easily and communicate more efficiently to grow your business.

The best part about WhatsApp business is that you can even use tools to automate the complete communication process. You can interact with your customers quickly and automate some of your responses. Once you start a business profile, make sure to create a WhatsApp invitation design for your clients.

The other added advantage of this is that you can create sales funnel of messages with subjective products. You can send the main message to all your clients and then, send the next set of messages to consumers who show interest in your first WhatsApp design post.

WhatsApp business profile has a similar logo to the regular WhatsApp profile. However, the green bubble contains a symbol of white B instead of the black phone symbol.

How to attain the WhatsApp Business verified badge for your account?

It is important to understand that a verified symbol is important for your Whatsapp marketing strategy. It is a verification of trust and thus, clients will be more comfortable contacting you.

Initially, WhatsApp was providing this badge to only big brands like Makemytrip, RedBus, and Goibibo among various others. However, now they are giving these badges to more and more businesses.

Advantages of acquiring the WhatsApp business verification badge

1. A standardised green tick
2. Complete access to WhatsApp APIs which will help in sending notifications
3. Access to WhatsApp CRMs to manage customer support with shared inbox and bot automation

If you are aiming to become a brand, then you must aim to get the verified badge as, it will help you attract a large following of consumers.

For getting the verified badge for your WhatsApp design, you will have to get a business API. You might require a certain amount of money for the same but, eventually the complete process will be worth it.

The correct WhatsApp Marketing Strategy

It is important to understand that just plainly sending messages is not going to help you acquire profits and leads. You need to have a clear and concise strategy for the same.

• Use WhatsApp invitation design to build awareness about your brand by sending in creative images and videos.
• Make sure to organise the data of your prospective clients. Always form different broadcast lists for new and existing clients. It is important to understand that there should be a separate broadcast list for your loyal customers as well. This can be done to be in touch and send follow up WhatsApp design posts to the clients.
• Have patience. It might take time for people to contact you on WhatsApp but, those who reach you there will be genuine clients who will be interested in your WhatsApp DP design.
• It is important to understand that audiences do not report or spam your Whatsapp design posts. This may be hazardous for your business. Hence, send messages to clients who are interested in your company and brand. They will not report you as you will be providing some value to them.
• WhatsApp has also introduced a payment gateway for money transfers with UPI and other media. Thus, it is a good idea to install this for your WhatsApp marketing strategy. So, engage with that and get your business done promptly.
• It is also a very important tool as it helps to stay in touch with prospective and existing clients. Thus, it is a good idea for you to treat is as a mini application for customer relationship management a.k.a CRM.
• You can also use tools to know the statistics of people opening your messages. However, the ratio of opening messages in pretty high when it comes to WhatsApp and thus, you should indulge in the marketing.

How to form a WhatsApp Marketing Strategy?

The main reason to use WhatsApp for business is that more than 60 billion messages are sent through it worldwide. This just means that your existing and potential customers are already on WhatsApp. However, it is important to understand that WhatsApp does not sell ad space or have business marketing features like Facebook. Thus, you have to dive in to an innovative approach with your WhatsApp invitation design.

Thus, it is important to have an innovative WhatsApp DP design so that it catches the attention of your customers easily. Apart from that, it is important to engage and connect with your audience regularly. Also, send those offers and information on new and existing products regularly. This WhatsApp marketing strategy will help you to generate repeat orders without violating WhatsApp policy at all.

Why is it important to have a WhatsApp design?

Social media marketing is all about being visual. If you want to catch your audience’s attention, then you must have an innovative WhatsApp design. Curate posts, GIFs and even videos to stand out. This is because there are a lot of other businesses messaging them as well. If you want your post to be the deciding buying factor, then you must be creative and different. Thus, such innovative WhatsApp invitation designs can prove to be really beneficial for you.


These were some of the basics of WhatsApp marketing strategy. It is a powerful tool and, if used to your advantage, it can do wonders for you. Make sure to create a brand persona while chatting with your clients as it leaves a good impression. Also, choose to offer one to one help for the uses and benefits of a particular product or service. You can also choose to offer discreet advice and services to your high end clients.

Apart from that, hire a graphic designer to make your Whatsapp DP design and WhatsApp invitation design. It will definitely set you apart from the rest. Focus on innovative strategies so that it helps you to gain ROI in the longer run.

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Tips to Use in Strategy of Social Media Marketing

6 Tips to use in your Strategy of Social Media for Marketing to acquire Leads and Profits in 2020

Social media marketing has opened doors of possibilities and profits. Many businesses are finding it easy to create profiles on social media channels to advertise their products and services. Even small businesses are gaining recognition because of social media. It is 2020, and the best thing that you can do is use social media for marketing.

The amazing part is that there are a lot of people that use social media. Hence, as a brand, your target audience can be varied but, you can find them on different social media channels easily. Although, each platform offers different things and thus, it is a good idea to research on the kind of people that use those platforms. Based on that, you can match the audiences with your brand and then, choose to use a particular social media for marketing.

However, some of the things stay the same over all the social media channels and hence, you should look in to that.

Make aesthetic social media graphics

This is probably the most important gist of being on social media. All of them are visual platforms. You either need an attractive graphic or an engaging video to gain the attention of your customers. Thus, you will have to pay special attention to your social media graphics. Please do not upload anything random or of low quality. This will decrease your engagement as people will not prefer to like or comment on such a graphic.

Also, your competitors are present on social media. Hence, you need to provide good content and top social media graphics, if you want to stand out. Always hire a good graphic designer as he can help you with social media for marketing.

Content for your social media graphics

Content is quite literally the king when it comes to social media. There are millions of accounts present on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and even Pinterest. However, what sets a few accounts apart from the others, is the content. You will have to add value in your customer’s life by solving a problem or entertaining them. Thus, if your content is not projected in that direction, your social media for marketing will give you no profits.

Always plan and design a Facebook Post

Ask your graphic designer to use colours and designs that visually please a human’s eye. If you create such social media graphics then it will be difficult to go unnoticed. Apart from that, you can always try asking questions in your post design for Facebook. This will force your audiences to engage and give you a valid reply.

Apart from that, always upload certain posts that contain branded content of your company. Add your company’s logos and products or services in a post. You can even add a motivational quote with your company’s logo in the bottom. This is the best way to design a Facebook post.

Apart from that, you can use long captions and embedded links in a post design for Facebook. Hence, use that opportunity to tell raw brand stories. People love knowing your behind the scenes and it is the best way to establish a relationship with your audience.

Always make a creative Instagram post design

You do not have to only design a Facebook post but, also discuss creative Instagram post design with your graphic designer. It is important to understand that both Facebook and Instagram are popular social media channels. The youth is there and if you want to target them, then you have to be present of these two millennial accounts, especially.

Instagram is a completely visual platform and thus, you will have to make high quality social media graphics for that. You can use motivational quotes, industry news, tips for your industry, memes related to your field, product reviews and product pictures for a creative Instagram post design. However, it is a good idea to plan your complete content a month in advance. This will help you to stay consistent with your social media for marketing.

Also, Instagram is a very social platform. Thus, apart from making a creative Instagram post design, you will have to engage with different accounts while liking their pictures and commenting on their posts.

Social media for marketing is quite cost effective

It is recommended to increase your fans and followers on social media channels organically. However, all the platforms have their own advertisement options that help you to increase your reach. The best advertisement tool is offered by Facebook. They have so many filters that you can literally create your target audience and reach them with your products and services.

Although, advertisements require clear and concise social media graphics. Post design for Facebook should only contain 20% of text in the graphic. The rest of the information can always be added in the caption. Also, Facebook helps you optimise your ads based on your budget. This is a good way of reaching your audience to generate leads.

You can integrate Facebook and Instagram. Thus, your Facebook ads can run on Instagram as well. However, your advertisement will require a creative Instagram post. Thus, work with your graphic designer and ask him to show you various options of graphics. Make sure to add a post design for Facebook that explains things clearly. Only then, you will be able to acquire leads and make profits with the help of these social media channels.

Use social media graphics that encourage a two way communication

Social media gives you an amazing power of understanding your audience and their needs. You can know their interests and collect feedback for your products as well. This will help you in serving them better. Also, if you understand their concerns and make changes accordingly, you can generate a huge amount of profit with social media for marketing.

Thus, try and create post design for Facebook that is asking your customers to share their thoughts, ideas and questions. Also, hire a social media manager who is quick in responding to their comments and messages. This will help you create a relationship with your audience. This two way communication will be a win-win situation for both. Also, this will help you create brand awareness and a loyal customer fan base.

Social media for marketing has a wide range of audience

Almost every age group is available on social media. Thus, you have a possibility of reaching a wide audience that was not available for you with a brick and mortar store. You can tell various people about your products. You can educate them on your services as well. Apart from that, you can direct them to your website and store and encourage them to make sales.

It is important to understand that the social media users are active. There are rarely any dormant accounts on it. So, the possibility of gaining recognition also increases, if you use social media for marketing. However, remember to create a good design for Facebook and a creative post for Instagram. Also, focus on the captions. Only then, you will be able to ace the social media marketing game and reap the benefits of the same. There is nothing boring than a dull post design for Facebook. So, remember to seek professional help.

Social media for marketing allows you to share a lot about your business

A lot of customers are preferring social media sites of brands. They are becoming like a go-to thing for them. This is because it is easy to contact the brand and solve your customer care issues as well. The main reason for this is that social media graphics are updated on a daily basis on business accounts. All the information is up to date and as a brand, you can also announce the recent events and upcoming product launches.

Thus, it becomes easy for your customers to know about you. Also, you do not have to spend thousands of rupees in newspaper and magazine ads, every time you launch a new product. Also, you get a chance to make most of your activity public. Hence, it can be indexed by various search engines as well. So, this is one more way you can use social media for marketing to serve your audience in a better way, as your information will show up, if someone is looking for it online.


These were some of the ways through which you can use social media for marketing. Although, it is impossible to grow social media accounts while focusing on the business as it is a demanding and time consuming process. So, it is important to seek professional help to create social media graphics that enlighten your audience in your brand’s favour.

Also, design a Facebook post with special attention. The same applies for a creative Instagram post design. There is a dire need of understanding that social media is everywhere. Almost everyone is using smartphones and thus, it is a good opportunity to connect to your audience with the help of mobile friendly social media applications.

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Social Media Marketing Strategy

Skyrocket your social media marketing strategy and earn more ROI in 2020

Social media marketing is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. It has been around from a very long time. Marketing on social media is also becoming popular with time. A lot of brands are investing in social media campaigns and influencer marketing, as they are receiving a lot of interaction and sales for the same.

Although, there is one minor problem that most marketers have to deal with. It is the struggle of measuring ROI effectively from marketing on social media. It can get a little tricky but, it can do wonders for your business.

There are a lot of ways through which you can track the ROI. You just need to understand the process and it will not be very overwhelming for you. However, the first thing to include while being on social media channels is the social media post design. You need to work on that first, if you want to create engagement and then, measure the ROI.

There are certain things that you need to keep in to consideration, especially Facebook post design and Instagram post design.

Measure marketing on Social Media

The major reason for the ROI to be low on social media channels is that brands and companies forget to take time and measure their performance. It is a very simple formula: If you cannot measure it, you will not be able to drive it. According to a recent report by Simply Measure, only one in five brands talk about social ROI.

This is the major reason that you are not able to see a notable difference. As a business, you will have to take the effort and sit with your digital marketer to understand the social ROI. Ask your agency to make weekly reports for you as well.

Apart from that, measuring and marketing on social media can be done by setting up a funnel which directs your followers to a particular place from where they can make a purchase. Direct them to your website or a message chat. In this way, it will become really easy for you to keep a track of things.


Social media marketing is based on content. If you cannot have proper social media graphic design posts, then you have lost the game there and then. It is important to understand that social media channels are visually aesthetic platforms. Also, there are thousands of posts that are being uploaded every single hour. Hence, if you want to catch the attention of your customer then you will have to hire a social media graphic design expert. Some of the things to remember are:

• Focus on Facebook post design

When thinking about content and ROI, you need to pay attention on your Facebook post design. This is because 80% of users are on Facebook. Thus, most of your audience is available on Facebook. Hence, if you master this platform, you will be able to generate leads and direct your audiences in to buying your products and services. At the same time, you will be able to measure higher ROI as well.

Facebook advertising is also a great part of marketing on social media. A lot of businesses and brands have benefitted from it. This is because Facebook advertising has the ability to reach your exact audience. The filters and algorithm is next level and so, investing in the same is a wise decision.

However, your advertisements also require an innovative Facebook post design. Your audiences will only engage with an attractive social media graphic design. Sit with your graphic designer and discuss the cover and various options with him. Take as much time as possible for the same.

• Give time for Instagram post design

After Facebook, the second best social media channel is Instagram. The youth is available there and if you want to reach them, you have to be on Instagram. It is also a good platform to create brand awareness. Apart from that, Instagram is one platform that is known for generating the maximum ROI through influencer marketing programs.

Instagram is a highly visual and aesthetic platform. Thus, you will have to give some time in creating an Instagram post design. High quality photographs and graphics work on this particular platform. It is also important to understand that you cannot do it on your own. You will require a social media graphic design expert for the same. If you want to generate ROI organically through Instagram, then you will have to post daily. Only then, it will grab the attention of your audience and this is the basic demand of marketing on social media.

Define your goals before starting Social media graphic design campaigns

This is the first step that needs to be taken before starting any successful social media campaign. You will have to set the right goals. If your goals are not realistic, you will not be able to achieve them and your campaign will be declared as a failure.

Also, the social media post design of your campaign will have to be designed in a certain way. It needs to have 20% text and the 80% space needs to be left as it is. These are some of the minor details that can be discussed with you social media graphic design expert.

Measure your results for the social media post designsocial media post design

It is important to measure the ROI of a particular post to understand that what is working for you and what is not. Hence, you will have to set up UTM codes in your Facebook post design and Instagram post design. These are basically snippets of a simple code which can be tracked in the end of the URL. This can help you track the performance of the particular URL on your social media post design.

It is possible to track the source, medium, term, campaign and content based on your goals. Hence, this is the best way to track the ROI of your Facebook post design as well as Instagram post design. However, it is important to understand that to track the UTM codes, you will require Google analytics to be installed and integrated with your social media channels. This is one of the major steps of marketing on social media.

Know when to post the social media post design

While performing marketing on various social media channels, it is important to understand that the posting time is crucial. Your audiences will not be online 24 by 7. Hence, you need to post when the maximum number of your followers are online. Only then your social media post design will get the necessary engagement.

There are a lot of different time limits that are given by the experts for different days. You can refer to that guide. However, for Instagram post design, you can always check the metrics on your business account. It is provided under the audience and activity tool. However, experts suggests that this technique helps in receiving engagement from the audience. The more people engage with it, the popular the post becomes. Also, more people will see it and click your website by ordering a product or service. This is how the complete process works.

Social listening with social media graphic design

You need to analyse and check what other people in your industry are posting. You can also track, which of their posts will receive the highest amount of engagement. This can help you gain insight in to what type of content your audience likes and interacts with.

Then you can create relevant social media post designs for your channels as well. In this way, you will have a surety of your posts working for your audiences. Use these tactics based on the kind of metrics you are expecting to cater for your business.

Marketing on social media is tricky but, if you understand the techniques closely than you will be able to ace the social listening part. This complete process can help you determine the number of engaging users you have in your niche on various social media platforms.

Partner up with a graphic designer

A designer will help you make high quality and beautiful social media post design. They understand the importance of graphics on social media. Most of your user engagement is based on your Facebook post design and Instagram post design. Thus, asking the graphic designer to make all your posts is a good idea.

You can also use high quality pictures of your products and services on your social media channels. Marketing on social media can be done in a variety of different ways but, collaborating with a graphic designer always proves to be beneficial.


These were some of the tactics of performing marketing on social media. However, creating content and measuring the ROI are the most important steps of social media post designs. It is important to be smart about the kind of graphics that you are creating for social media. Your social media graphic design should add value in your customer’s life. It should also be relatable and entertaining. These are some of the things to remember while working for marketing on social media.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business
graphic designs companies

Why it is important for business to hire and review graphic designs companies before appointing them?

A business can be small or big but, it only has one goal of creating profits. Any business will want to enhance their sales and consume maximum return on investment. There are a lot of ways through which it is possible to increase sales. The topmost is marketing. One of the good ways of performing marketing is through catalog design and graphic designs companies.

A catalog can display all your products or services effortlessly. You can also include the description and business offers, which can be a great marketing strategy. Brochure and catalog designs have the ability to bring in customers that were completely unaware of your brand in the first place.

Product catalogues have a lot of benefits of their own. Read on to find out.

1. Graphics designing services and enhancement of your brand in the market

It is important to understand that your logo is the face of your brand and company. It will speak for itself. If you have the right kind of logo, then it can project the right amount of brand awareness for you. Thus, it is important to have a catchy logo that defines your brand, work and its ethics.


A good graphics designing services will be able to come up with various drafts that suit your brand ethics. You should sit with them and explain your business and its values. Only then, they will be able to come up with some good suggestions for you.


Also, having a customised logo for your brand establishes credibility and creates brand recognition that positions your company firmly in the market place. Thus, do not take a simple logo off the internet. It will never establish your brand plus it will look plagiarised.


Also, make sure to discuss the colour palette of your logo with your graphic design service. It should be in sync with the other products and packaging. Only then, your audiences will be able to identify you with the colour combination as well.

2. Differentiate yourself in the market place with the right graphic design service

Graphics can work wonders for your brand. A lot of times words alone cannot do justice. When you want to convey a story to someone, you should use certain interesting images. At such times, a graphics designing services can come to your rescue. It can play a huge role in conveying information and messages to your clients.

A basic business is filled with complex elements like products, colours, sizes and much more. It is not possible to come up with a fancy word for everything. Hence, a graphic designer can help you with your unique selling points while aligning it with your brand image. A good graphics designer company can get it done with reports, charts and pictorial.

Such graphics will help you while putting information on your company website or brochure. It will also help you in adding information on your social media posts. You can make videos and pictorials while trying to convince customers to buy your products or services.

In this fast paced life, people do not have a lot of time to read long texts. Instead, they prefer a compact visual aid or diagram that includes the gist of the products. In fact, video format attracts more engagement. Hence, before finalising a particular graphic designing service, discuss your requirement. You need to know if they edit or create videos for you. These are some of the things that will create a unique brand identity of your company in the market. Thus, it is important to understand those aspects, so that you can explain your designer what you exactly need.

3. Understand the difference between graphic design services and brand building agency

A graphics designer company will only help you make graphics for your marketing needs. They are a design company that will normally create brochures and social media posts for you. They will also be responsible for creating lead generation forms, email templates, logo design and your website design.


They will be able to suggest you the colour scheme, texture and design. Graphic designs services can help you create designs that are in sync with your products and brands ethics. However, they cannot help you build your brand.


This is the basic difference between a graphics designer company and brand building agency. A brand building agency will understand the different audiences present over different channels and mediums. They will create graphics based on that. At the same time, the graphic design services will use keywords in the graphics which will help your customers to get what they are looking for.  


A brand building agency will have a strategy listed out. It will even create graphics strategically. Instead, a graphics designer company will understand your products or services and just create graphics around that, without any strategy. Thus, if you are looking to increase your business, then you must always opt for a brand building agency. Not only will the graphic design services take care of your graphics, they will suggest you the necessary marketing requirements your company needs. They will curate thoughtful creatives instead of just basic graphics.  They will help you in building your brand that will attract sales and profits as well.

4. Choosing the right graphic designs services

Graphic design services is also constantly evolving with marketing. The world has become visual and thus, eye catching appeal of quality with design work is necessary. So, if you are planning to put a budget aside for that, you need to choose one of the top graphics designer company for your business. Some of the things that you must keep in mind are:

  • Your graphics designer company has designed on different surfaces and mediums

A lot of graphic design services specialise in only one type of medium. Although, most of them can work with a different medium, if needed. Think about your design needs currently and also about what you might need in the future. For example, if your designer has designed a menu before, he will easily be able to design a magazine. However, designing an info graphic will be a complete different ball game.

In such a scenario, ask your graphic design services to show you their work. They will usually have a portfolio of their design and professional work. Ask them for their social media account as that will also give you a better idea. This will help you to gain a better perspective.  

  • Communicate clearly

You might already know that any relationship will work better if you communicate effectively. The same works with your graphic designer as well. You want your graphic designer to communicate the glitches in the design process in a timely manner. This is because if the designer continues to run in to problems but, does not communicate it with you and edits on their own, then there can be problems. This issue is very real with graphics as the design is more about opinion of the spacing or sizing. Also, it can differ from person to person. Thus, it is important to give your graphic designing company that space to speak with you.

To simplify this process, you must ask them about their process of working with their clients. Try to understand their flexibility and whether you will be able to work with them. You can also look for Google reviews and positive testimonials to see if the clients are satisfied with them.

  • Ask them about their photography and editing skills

Any graphic design services will tell you that photography and designing are two separate skills. Try finding a graphic designing company that offers both. This will be helpful for you because, if the design company is going to use a lot of photographs of your products, then they need to be edited. You might want a designer who at least has a little bit of background in editing. Just do not assume that all designers have this skill.

Apart from that, you even want to find a graphic designing company that can create and edit videos. They will also help you with marketing. Hence, if you opt for a brand-building agency, you will get a graphic team that will be knowledgeable in all these aspects. However, asking firsthand will always prove to be beneficial for you.

  • Ask them about revisions

A lot of graphics designing services are very reluctant about their revisions. Each graphics designer company has a different policy. Hence, you will have to discuss it first hand to avoid any issues in future. Put your foot down and ask a deal for minimum of one revision. This will keep you on the safer side. It is important to understand their payment policy, as a designer should not charge you for every tiny revision that they make. Apart from that, a design will look different on paper as compared to the computer. Hence, the designer should be ready to make the necessary changes with you. Your designer and you can discuss the amount of revisions for a particular graphic in advance.  

  • Choose an agency that understands marketing and your industry

You need to understand that this whole process is twofold. You will be hiring a graphics designing service to create a brand consistency in return of marketing materials. Hence, the designer plays an incredibly important role for your brand. They need to convey the story and mission through graphics. As a business owner, you will surely guide them but, the thing to look for is their prior experience. If the graphic designing company has worked in your industry before, then it will become super easy for you. If they have not, just check their prior experience and innovation.     

Apart from that, ask the graphic design service manager for their design aesthetic. This will give you a clear idea about their work and you will also be able to judge, if their style will integrate with your brand. For example, you have a graphic designer that designs edgy and shiny modern cartoons. However, you require someone to create graphics for your conservative and authoritative company. Thus, these two styles will clash. Hence, you will have to make sure of understanding the work and design process of the graphic designer as well. This will help you to maintain a clear picture form the beginning only.

5. Use of graphics designing services in various marketing portfolios

Graphic designing can be incorporated in various marketing aspects. The first and foremost is your logo. It is the first requirement of any marketing strategy. Make sure to ask for multiple logos from your graphic designing company, so that it is easy for your marketing team to use it anywhere. Some of the graphic logo versions that you must take from your graphic designer are:

  • A light version which has a dominant light shade, so that it reflects well on a darker background.
  • A dark version that is dominantly dark and thus, reflects well on a lighter background.
  • A version of the logo that looks well on a medium with horizontal orientation.
  • A square version of your logo, so that it looks good on vertical or square format.
  • A separate icon of your logo that can be used separately from the actual logo. This will be needed if your logo contains only texts. If your logo is an icon, then you do not need a separate one.
  • Website

You will require graphics designing services while designing your website. This is one time when marketing and graphic designing really have to collaborate to align the final product. Your website acts more like a digital estate of your business. However, it is the most neglected marketing item in the list. Do not let that happen to you. Sit with your graphic designer and discuss each of your website page in detail with them. There are a lot of benefits of having a well-designed website.

If your website is visually appealing, then your visitors will be more interested in becoming your customers. A quality design project will want people to own products or indulge in services with high calibre. So, you need to find the right graphics designer company. You need to make sure that your website is not only attractive but, technically strong. It needs to be responsive and should be conversion friendly. Your graphics designing services needs to create a website that is SEO friendly so that the Google index crawlers locate it.

There is no point in having a website that cannot be found on the internet. It is more like a personal diary then. Apart from that, your website design should include call to action forms. This will skyrocket your conversions and increase the sales as well. Thus, hire a good graphics designing service, so that they end up making a pleasing design for your website.   

  • Marketing Materials

You will have to wrap your head around the fact that no one will be interested in buying your products, if your marketing materials are designed with basic tools like MS Paint. A well designed marketing material can weigh in gold for your brand. Also, your sales team will be able to confidently sell your products and services. Thus, graphics designing services need to be hired.

You need to understand that your flyers, brochures, catalogues and even pamphlets have to be designed by professional graphic designing services. The fonts and colour scheme needs to be in alignment so that it represents your brand properly. You need to understand that your customers might notice your off-brand fonts and inconsistent design much quickly as compared to you. Hence, a graphic designer can only come to your rescue and help you with all your marketing materials, so that they look professional and in alignment with your brand.

  • Blog Graphics and Pages

If you are looking to add blogging in your marketing strategy, then you will need a graphic design service for that as well. Blogging is one of the fastest ways of acquiring customers. You will have to put in all your marketing efforts but, you will also be able to score a lot of potential clients.

With blogs, content is the king but, if your blog page is not aesthetically inclined, then no one will want to spend time there. Your visitors are more likely to bounce as well. Hence, you will need a graphic designing service to help you create pictures and icons that interests the reader.     

  • Social Media Posts

Another marketing material that you need to skyrocket your conversions is the social media posts. Channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn has taken its marketing game to the next level. Billions of people are joining them and thus, they make a very good marketing outlet. Most businesses are preferring to be active on them.

However, it is important to understand that you cannot be active on them without top graphic design services. This is because your competitors are also there on social media. To stand out in front of them, you will have to create posts that are polished, well designed and in sync with your brand. This can happen with the help of a graphic designer only. However, make sure to check with your graphic designer. Ask for his previous work so that you have an idea of his design range and quality.

You can even ask your graphic designing company to create standard templates for you which can be re-used by your marketing team for social media posts.

  • Presentations and pitch decks

You will need a graphic design service for pitching an idea to venture capitalists as well. Apart from that, if you are planning to showcase your quarterly earnings to the board, then also you need a decent presentation. Such presentations require charts and reports that are made by graphic designing services. You can make one for yourself but, if you have the budget, then get it made from a graphic designer.

It is not a good idea to rely on templates from Google or Apple slides. If it is an important investor or a client, then your presentation matters. So, hire graphic designs companies.  

  • Motion Graphics

Look for graphic design services who can create animated graphics. They are in trend and they catch the attention of the audiences like none other. Graphic designs companies work well for social media posts and advertisements. Apart from that, they can be used as GIFs, promotional banners and even videos.

Thus, it is a good idea to collaborate these motion graphics with audio as it can grab the attention of your audiences easily. Hence, graphics help drastically with marketing materials. If you notice, there will be no interesting marketing materials without graphics.


These were some of the critical points which prove that marketing and graphic designing go hand in hand. A lot of businesses avoid graphic designs companies to save their budget. However, in the longer run that does not help. Your marketing material needs to be visually creative and attractive. Also, graphics are required at every step of traditional as well as digital marketing. Collaborating the two can give you profitable results in your business. You can always get your marketing materials designed one by one, if budget is an issue. However, make sure to hire a graphic designing service for it.

At the same time, it is important for businesses to check the right graphic designs companies. It takes a lot of effort and time in discussing the requirements. Thus, it is a good idea to research on one of the top graphic designs companies and then set a meeting with them. Make sure to discuss all your terms and conditions with them. At the same time, understand their terms and conditions. Go ahead only if you are completely satisfied. Also, do not forget to check their clients and testimonials as it will help you to make an informed decision.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business
catalogue design

7 Effective Ways through which a Product Catalogue can lift your Sales

A business can be small or big but, it only has one goal of creating profits. Any business will want to enhance their sales and consume maximum return of investment. There are a lot of ways through which it is possible to increase the sales. The top most is marketing. One of the good ways of performing marketing is through catalogue design.

A catalogue can display all your products or services effortlessly. You can also include the description and business offers which can prove to be a great marketing strategy. Brochure and catalogue designs have the ability to bring in customers that were completely unaware of your brand in the first place.

Product catalogues have a lot of benefits of their own. Read on to find out.

Things to keep in mind while creating e-catalogues

1. Helps you attract targeted audiences

The best part about a vivid catalogue design is that is helps you to attract targeted audiences. You can make hard copies of the same and distribute the catalogues where your potential audiences can be found. For example, if you are selling beauty products, then you can distribute your catalogues to women in malls.

Apart from that, if you are planning on using e-catalogues, then you can run advertisement campaigns online. Your product catalogues will help you to reach the potential audiences online. Your catalogues can help in increasing the brand awareness as well.

2. Great reference of material

If you are opting for the latest brochure design, then it can help you fit a lot of relevant information. You can fill in the product descriptions and always use it as a reference while explaining anything to your clients.

However, it is important to understand that the information in the e-catalogues should be crisp and clear. Your customer should understand the purpose of your product. Only then you will be able to generate sales. The quality of your product description plays a major role in the buying decision of your client. When you are working with your graphic designer and content writer for the catalogue design, make sure to include all the unique selling points about your product.

3. Improves brand identity

Product catalogues were an important marketing mix during traditional marketing. They are equally relevant during digital marketing as well. Based on a research carried out by Frost and Sullivan, 69% of businesses have shifted to e-catalogues. This shift has equally proved to be a massive success for brand identity.

You can actually reach more customers as digital catalogues are easy to promote and are affordable as well. You can send them in mails and whatsapp messages to new and existing customers. However, make sure to tell your graphic designer to create brochure and catalogue designs that are mobile optimised. You can also run advertisements on various online platforms with a clear logo of your company on your catalogue. This will help in increasing the brand awareness as well.

4. You can include tailor-made content

The best part about product catalogues is that you can add tailor made content in it. You can customise the product descriptions as per your will and wish. Hence, you can add the unique selling points in the brochure which will attract various customers towards your business.

Another good part about latest brochure designs is that you can add real and authentic pictures of your products in the catalogue. You can even include the price of the product, if you wish to. Hence, the apt and precise information in a catalogue can always prove beneficial, as your audience can get a clear picture about your brand.

5. It promotes your company offline

With the best brochure design in , you can choose to promote your product catalogue offline as well. A printed literature still establishes credibility of a company as compared to the text written online. Thus, you can always give your prestigious clients a hard copy of your brochure.

If your website in under maintenance or the server is down, you can always courier a copy of your brochures to clients who wants to see it immediately. Thus, product catalogues have advantages of its own. However, make sure to proofread your catalogue before giving it for printing. Having grammatical and spelling mistakes in the catalogue will not leave a good impression on your clients.

6. It focuses on product benefits and brand attributes

The recent rise in e-catalogues has taken the business world by storm, as it is possible to reach clients that were never there in the first place. However, in order to reach such clients it is important to understand the attributes of your own products. Brochure design in can prove to be successful, if you find out the problem that can be solved with your product.

Once that is done, you can write all the problems your product is solving. Apart from that, add the benefits and brand attributes as well. For example, if you are a skincare company, then add appropriate product descriptions. You can write benefits of your products such as clear skin but, also mention that it helps in removing acne. At the same time, if you use organic raw materials, then ask your content writer to add that as well, because it is acting as a brand attribute.

7. It generates customer leads

A well designed e-catalogue can generate a lot of customer leads. The only thing is that you must advertise it properly and run strategic ad campaigns. However, always remember to ask your graphic designer to add a contact form in your brochure and catalogue design. In this way, you will be able to collect the data of you customers.

Once you have their mail id or contact information, you can always send them your updated brochures which contains the latest price list and offers as well. Apart from that, you can always add an order form in the product catalogue. It will be easy for your clients to check the brochure and order at the same time. Although, you will have to discuss in detail about this with your graphic designer in your initial meetings. Only then he will be able to show you the latest brochure designs.

What kind of product catalogue designs are relevant?

It is important to plan the structure of your e-catalogue. You can opt for aesthetic designs, if your business permits. Even the basic design works. This is something that you must discuss in detail with your graphic designer as he will be able to guide you in the right manner.

Apart from that, you can have a front and back cover for your product catalogue. Ask your graphic designer to be as creative as he can for these pages, as they have the potential to attract your clients. After that, include introduction pages to explain about your brand. You can include information about your company and how it started. Also, the main attributes of your company can be added here. This will make your audiences feel more connected you.

Then, your e-catalogue can have product pages. Make sure to keep the product pictures big, so that the audiences can have a clear idea. At the same time, photography is a really important aspect of product catalogues. It is a good idea to hire a professional photographer for the same. Only then, the images will look professional in your catalogue.

It is possible to even ask your graphic designer to create certain images for you through soft wares. However, you will have to explain your products to your designer first. Only then, he will be able to give some inputs to you. At the same time, think beyond product photography. Do not stay stuck there. If your brand demands, then add some lifestyle elements in your catalogue as well. Brochure design in is a good idea as a lot of designers help with these attributes.

Hence, it is important to understand that creating the latest brochure design needs planned layouts, appropriate content and attractive images. All of it requires a team who can put specific expertise and efforts to come up with the desired solutions. Thus, it is a good idea to hire someone who does brochure design in .


You will be missing out on a lot of business opportunities, if you do not plan on making a product catalogue for your business. The market competition is really high for any business. Hence, it is important to adapt to each and every marketing strategy. You do not want to miss out on customers, only because you chose not to create an e-catalogue.

If you want to stay relevant, you have to be present everywhere. This can be easily done with the best brochure and catalogue designs. Digital catalogues can prove to be a powerful addition to your marketing strategy. It truly is a great medium for promoting your products in the most engaging way possible. At the same time, make sure to focus on improving the quality of your products. They need to be intact and effective for driving sales. All of the marketing efforts will be useless, if the products are not useful to the customers.

Let's Upgrade Your Brand

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business
Engaging Real Estate Brochure Design

How to create an engaging real estate brochure designs that will give you successful leads for your business?

Real estate is a massive industry that is defined by competition and opportunity. It is necessary to focus on the demands of the consumers while providing the right kind of service. However, to get ahead in the competition, it is equally important to market and perform branding activities for your real estate business. You need to embrace the marketing trends and be ready with the necessary tools. One of the marketing strategies that works the best is real estate brochure designs.

A lot of people feel that with the introduction of digital marketing, brochures are not needed. This is their biggest mistake. In the field of real estate, brochures work well with the customers. They can even mark various things on the brochure for their convenience. It gives a better idea of the property as well. At the same time, digital brochures are also very helpful, if you do not want to get them printed. You should always opt for the latest brochure design as it leaves a good impression on the customers.

Things to keep in mind while creating engaging real estate brochure designs

Define the customer, Define the brochure

The first step to creating a brochure is to define your consumer. If you feel that everyone is your customer, then you are highly mistaken. You will have define your customer by their age and economic status. The economic status is an important factor to consider while creating real estate brochure designs.

If you are planning to sell higher end properties, then your brochure should be designed in that way. You will want to use minimalistic and classic colour. Also, if you are planning to get it printed, then you should probably go for a luxury paper as well. If you are developing a brochure for an average property, then you might want to highlight the price and the features in the design. Thus, your target audience will check different things in your real estate brochure designs and thus, you should fulfil their expectations. Hence, as a business owner, it is your duty to convey your target audience to your designer.

White Space

This is a very technical thing and your graphic designer will surely help you with this. However, it is important for you to keep this thing in mind. White spaces are really necessary for real estate brochure designs. Clarity speaks a lot and you require that while advertising real estate properties. It is important to understand that you need to be clear on everything from your site layout, features, address of the property and contact details, while working with a brochure maker. Hence, white space helps with readability and makes things easy to comprehend for your customer. You should never underestimate the power of a white space in a real estate brochure.

Keep it simple

Real estate brochure designs should be really simple. It is necessary to avoid gaudy colours and a lot of text. Just add the important features and unique selling points of a particular property. A lot of information in the brochure will not allow your customer to focus on the important aspects. At the same time, do not confuse your brochure maker as well. If you add too much information, even he will not be able to create a good design for you. Hence, you will have to decide and filter the important points. Always remember that simple designs work better and are interesting. For example, you can use an embossed design for the title to highlight it and keep rest of the things simple in the brochure.

Focus on the Pictures

When you are in the field of real estate, everyone knows that you take business seriously. Also, appearance is everything in your field. The way your project yourself, your brand and your brochure decides the sales. Thus, it is important to have 3D pictures of the property on your brochure. It is important to remember that a proper graphic can make or break your sales. Make sure that the 3D pictures are made with precision and they look their best in the brochures. In real estate brochure designs, even the slightest changes and edits can change the entire game for you as they can attract your customers by increasing your sales.


Always hire a professional designer to create the latest brochure designs. A lot of people feel that they might lose control over the creativity and thus, try to make their own brochures. This is the biggest mistake that you can do for your real estate business. A professional designer understands the ratios and creates a brochure that is appealing and attractive to the eye. Even this can persuade your customers to buy your properties. Brochure size also plays a very important role in real estate design. You will need brochures which are of A4 and A3 size. All of these things can be suggested to you only by a professional brochure maker.


Branding is essential for every business. However, branding your brochure is considered to be one of the most important marketing strategy. Thus, do not forget to add your company logo and tag line in your brochure. At the same time, make sure that it is bold, clear and visible. As a real estate business, your brochures should be for the customers to remember you. You also create them to inform your clients about your new sites. However, informing them is useless if they fail to recognise you or do not know you. Thus, create certain brand guidelines in the form of colour combinations, fonts and logos. Make sure to ask your graphic designer to add those in each of your real estate brochure designs.

Content and Proof

Brochures contain a limited amount of text. However, it is important to create text that is precise and also sells. If you do not have this skill, then make sure to hire a professional for the same. Your customers will judge you based on your brand and offerings and thus, it is important to get the content right with the design. You can take help from your brochure maker for the same.

At the same time, make sure to continually perform proofreading checks. It is not something that you should do at the end of the design process. This is because if you have edits, then it will be easier for your designer to cater it in the process, rather than doing it in the end. This is just to ensure that there are no errors for the same.

Make Subtle Adjustments

You can have a standard format, since you are creating a real estate brochure design. However, certain design adjustments can make your brochure look classy and minimalistic. For example, you can just use the corners and give them a rounded edge. This will give a soft look to your brochure. It will appear friendlier as well. You can use such designs while creating brochures for holiday homes and farm house properties. While creating brochures for such properties, it is important to use warm hues like brown, crème and green. This will give a great look to your brochure. It is necessary to discuss these things with your graphic designer.

Use textures for your brochures

Different textures give an aesthetic look to your brochure size. Real estate brochure plans contain geometric designs of layouts and properties. Thus, to break the monotony you can use graphics of textures in background on your texts. This will look really attractive. Use these things while creating brochures for high-end apartments and offices. Try using a contrast with dark pages and bright colour in your brochure with textures. This is one of the latest brochure design which appeals to a lot of different customers. Such things add an interesting dimension to an otherwise stagnant subject matter.


These were some of the points that you need to remember to create the best real estate brochure designs. Make sure to discuss every detail with your brochure maker. Take enough time to create a brochure. Do not haste because that will not help your business. This is because a well-written and well-designed brochure can increase your sales and attract your customers.

Make sure to digitalise your brochures as well. Upload them on your website and social media channels, so that you can attract your customers form these as well. Check the brochure size for your digital media. You might have to tweak that a little based on the channel you are uploading the brochure on. You can always ask for help from your brochure maker for the same.

If you do not have a brochure already, then get it made. Brochures will help you drastically, for your real estate business. You can also tweak your existing brochure design, to the latest brochure design with a help from the graphic designer.

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