Packaging Design Blog

What is Packaging Designing and why you need to get one for your brand?

How would you possibly carry all the things from a supermarket store if they did not have a packaging? Packaging has added super comfort in our lives. It has also made the world an organised place to live in. It is present everywhere in the form of a packet for your Gems, a bottle for your skin lotion to a hamper for your laundry basket.

However, packaging design is not only done to secure things properly. There is more to that. Do you remember the last product that you bought? If it was a new product, do you remember what attracted you towards it? It will probably be the packaging design.

With such a competitive market, brands are focusing on packaging design because that helps them in creating an impact on the customer’s mind from an aisle in the supermarket. Apart from that, packaging design helps with branding too. Many famous brands are just recognised with the help of their packaging box design or packaging bottle design. 

What is Product Packaging?

Product packaging design simply refers to the exterior designing of the product. A packaging design will include various options of materials and forms. Also, the design on the box or the bottle will have options of various graphics, fonts and even colours. You can choose to wrap your product in to anything from a gift wrapping paper, can, bottle, box or any container as well.

Packaging Design normally tells a story. It describes and reflects the personality of the brand. It helps in engaging the customers through sight, touch and even sound sometimes. The complete package basically gives an idea about the enclosed product. It communicates with the audience and they understand what the product is for, how it should be used and who can use it.

Questions you should ask yourself before thinking of a packaging box design

There are three important questions that you must ask yourself before starting a packaging design for your product.

What is the product?

The packaging design companies will surely ask you this question first. It all depends on the product. Are you selling something solid, liquid or fragile? What is the size of your product? What are the main materials of your product?

This will help you in deciding the layers of packaging your product needs. It is important to understand that product packaging is not only about the exterior packaging. For example, if you are selling glassware, then you will need bubble wrap and a couple of other things to secure it, because it is a fragile item. Also, something that is big and has awkward dimensions might require customized packaging.

Thus, it is important to note all these pointers down. It will be easy for you to discuss with your packaging design consultant.


What is your target audience?

Decide if your product is suitable for men, women or both? Is it for a specific audience who is environmentally conscious? Is it for the middle class strata of the society?

You will have to choose the packaging based on your target audience. You cannot sell a product to environmentally conscious people in a plastic packaging. You will have to opt for a reusable and recyclable packaging. At the same time, if you are selling something to women, then make sure it is glamorous and dressy. Also, if your product is for the affluent, then you will have to choose a luxurious packaging design.

If you do not have enough ideas, then discuss this in length with your packaging design company. Their designer will give you proper insights on the same.


How will your audience buy your products?

Packaging design will be based on where you are planning to sell your products. Are you selling them in a supermarket or a small boutique? Are you planning to sell them online? All these questions will decide the course of your packaging box design.

If you are selling it online, then you will have to think about a lot of other things. You need to make sure that your product is received by your customer in the best condition. Hence, you will have to think about all the safety features. On the other hand, if you are selling it in a boutique, then you will have to pay more attention on the face value of the packaging.

These are some of the things that are really important as they will influence the selling of your products. Please take a lot of time in deciding this. Discuss it in detail with your product packaging Design Company.


Things that we take in to consideration before curating a packaging design


We at Advoice, understand all your packaging needs and suggest you options based on that. The various things that we consider are:


Communication with Design

It is important to understand that people will buy your product based on the packaging. You might be using the best quality materials or ingredients in your product but, if the packaging is lousy, the client might not even consider trying it. Your packaging design actually competes with the packaging design of other brands in the market.

We understand that and thus, create a packaging design that is an amalgamation of aesthetic and functionality. At the same time, it is important to mention the detail of the product on the packaging so that it communicates well with the audience. At Rjm, we research and understand your target audience to help you achieve the right balance of practicality and emotional connect.


Packaging Design or Structural Packaging Design

There is a very thin line between packaging design and structural packaging design. A lot of packaging design companies fail to recognize that. We understand that it is important to research on this and then take a decision. Based on your product, we extensively study the market and decide both the parameters.

It is very important to understand the brand strategy of the product. We believe in understanding the dynamics from the scratch and then presenting a packaging design to our customers.


Aesthetic Value

Aesthetic Value is very important when designing a packaging for a brand. Packaging design came in to existence because of the aesthetics and attractiveness. If not for those, everyone would be packing things in normal plastic bags and selling it. Hence, your packaging box design or packaging bottle design, should have some creativity and art in it.

Humans communicate a lot through the visual medium. If you look around, you will see advertisements, banners, films and social media channels to have the highest amount of viewers. This is because all of them communicate visually. Some studies also suggests that 52% of people around the world decide to buy a product because of its packaging.

Hence, as a packaging design company, we have understood the complete funnel of the planning, designing and consumer decision making.


Product Personality

Packaging box design, packaging bottle design or packaging design in general is based on selecting the right structure for your brand. It is very important to treat your brand as a human being and then, deciding an attire for it in the form of packaging. Try to communicate and establish a relationship with your consumers. If you are able to do that, then you will be able to generate a lot of sales for your product.

A right look can even transform your brand and make it an eye candy among the audiences. Apart from the aesthetic value, your product needs to also solve the problems of your consumers. This should reflect in the personality of your product packaging as well.

This is where we step in. Our professional designers and analysts understand the dynamics of the consumer in reference to the product. We even decide the font and the colour of the packaging design strategically.


Persuade the Sales

We are a packaging design company in United States that strongly believes that a good packaging can alter the future of a product. A good packaging box design or packaging bottle design can dramatically increase or decrease a brand’s sales.

Hence, we take in to consideration factors like appealing colour, readability of the information and the structure of the packaging while designing it. We also take in to consideration the type of shelf or aisle the product will be displayed on.

At Rjm, we take every detail seriously. This is because we are designing to persuade the sales of your product. We understand the investment of a brand behind a particular packaging and thus, we believe that our design should be a factor of ROI for them.


Understanding the Design Dynamics

As a top packaging design company in United States, we understand the dynamics of design properly. While designing a particular packaging, we take in to consideration the important studies of eye-tracking derivations and impulse buying customer psychology. It is said that based on the eye tracking strategy, consumers only read 7 words on an average while passing by.

Also, impulse buying is done based on the color, structure and aesthetic value of the packaging design. Thus, we strive to add all these to our designs so that you can maximize your sales. We very well understand the balance between the structural and graphical representation of a product. We curate that so that a customer shows maximum interest in your product. 

Things to do if you are just starting out

Choose a Product Name 

It is really important to choose a brand name and product name. Choose a name that is easy and memorable to pronounce. If it is hard to pronounce, the customers might end up forgetting the name of the product.

If you are just starting out, then you can take some help of the packaging design company as well. You can brainstorm ideas together. Brainstorming will help you with the necessary creative flow.


Create a Logo

A logo is the most important part of any packaging design. You can promote your brand with the help of your logo. Also, do not overdo it. Understand that the best logo is usually a simple logo. You can also get a logo done with the help of the Golden Ratio.

If you do not know about logos made with the help of Golden ratios, then you can check our blog here.


Things that can be added in a packaging design

Use Patterns

If you are looking for packaging options for a stationery brand, then you can definitely add certain patterns for the background. It is possible to add checks or stripes in the background. It will surely take the packaging design up a notch.


Add floras

If you are selling a women centric product, then you can choose to add floral patterns in your packaging. They set a nice mood and tone for your packaging. When adding floral patterns to a packaging box design, try using bright colours. It will always attract the customer’s eye.


Use up the space

It is important to understand that while creating a packaging design, it is important to use up every inch of the space that you can. While creating a packaging box design, you can add some patterns, colour or print in the interior of the box. This will always make it look upscale as compared to leaving it plain and flat. As a result, the product inside the box will also look upscale.


Keep it simple

Simplicity is the key behind popular packaging designs. It always works with the audiences. Use earthy tones and recycled materials. Add bright colours of labels. Something as simple as this will work well with the audiences.


Create a harmony with the product

It is important to design a package that goes well with the product. Make sure that it compliments it as well. For example, if a dry fruit company, then choose for options that reflect the natural personality of the product. You can go for transparent packaging ideas. This will help the customer see the dry fruits before buying them.


Add playfulness

It is really important to have some fun with the packaging design ideas. Just be playful and add some elements that makes the audience happy. Make sure the packaging interacts with the product but does not overpower it as well.


Different kinds of packaging industry we cater to

At Advoice, we understand the demand and the competition of the market. Hence, we strive to create different packaging box designs and ideas for various industries.


Food Packaging Design

The food industry has grown exponentially over the past few years. A lot of people prefer packaged food items because of their fast paced lifestyles. Hence, it is a challenge for the designers to create designs that are attractive and practical both. A lot of people prefer food packages that are easy to carry to the office or are possible to consume on the go. Hence, the packaging design should fulfill these basic requirements.

When the food packaging design is concerned, it is important to check the product first. After that, it is equally important to check the consistency of the brand. It means that you need to make sure that different products from the same brand have some similarities in the packaging so that a consumer can recognize easily. At Rjm, we even curate food label designs for your product as well.


Cake Box Design

Gone are the days when bakers used to sell their cakes in a simple white box. Nowadays, people emphasize on having customized box packaging design for their bakery. You can get your brand story printed on one side of the box as well. Also, cake box design gives the liberty to be really playful as people usually buy cakes while celebrating important occasions of their lives.


Medicine Box Design

Medicine box design needs to be simple and precise. At Advoice, we completely understand that and thus, provide such kinds of packaging design options. The ingredients and the dosage needs to be mentioned compulsorily. Also, some space is needed to mention the cautions. Thus, a structural and well-spaced design always works with a medicine box design.


Carton Design

While designing a carton, you should always remember the product dimensions. Based on the size of the product, you can decide the size, depth and shape of the carton. Also, decide if you want to give integrated flaps or a separate lid to the cartons. Packaging box design is completely functional and based on the product itself.


Tea Packaging Design

The tea industry is booming in United States currently. A lot of people prefer drinking flavoured teas. There are various manufacturing companies that are selling dry tea leaves, tea powders and even tea bags. If you are one of them, then opt for a packaging design which reflects the brand personality. Opt for smaller and compact packaging box design. 


Perfume Box Design

It is important to understand that perfumes fall under the luxury items. Hence, the perfume box design should reflect that. Choose structured boxes to secure the perfume bottle. Perfumes usually come in glass bottles. Hence, the box needs to be thick and structured instead of thin and floppy.


Coffee Packaging Design

Coffee is a product that is used by many people. However, it is still considered to be a luxury item. There are various kinds of coffee available in the market. The price of the coffee is decided on the flush and quality of the beans. Hence, if you are designing a package for the best quality coffee, then opt for stylish glass bottles instead of plastic sachets. If a client is selling ready made coffee, then you can opt for cans or tetra packs.

It is important to understand that tetra pack gives an impression of an affordable product and the client will not be able to sell it in a higher range. The same way a can gives a better impression, and the client can even charge for the same. As a packaging design agency, we understand that completely and curate designs based on that.


Wire Box Design

We also design boxes for cables and wires. In today’s time, every item needs a proper packaging design. A lot of people have a misconception that only the food and fashion industry needs to work on their packaging design. It is absolutely baseless. All the brands and companies need a packaging design.

We are experts in creating wire box designs. It will make sure that your brand stands out and attracts the customers. Wire box design also needs enough space on the packaging to describe the USP of the product. Enough care is given to secure the wire or cable properly in the box. We design compact and handy wire box designs so that they are easy to carry and transport form one place to another.


Packaging Design Online

Packaging design online is a complete different segment. More than the product and its personality, it is important to curate a packaging design that secures the product in transit and reaches the customer safely. We understand that dynamic and work based on that for our clients.


These are some of the things that a packaging design agency deals in. There are various methods and processes to curate a packaging box design. However, the main motto behind the design remains the same. It is especially done to attract the customers and persuade them to buy a product.

Packaging Design helps a brand to establish itself in the market. It is possible for a brand to create awareness and gain its identity through its packaging. Big companies like Nescafe, Apple and The Body Shop have gained a lot of recognition because of their packaging. It gives a personality and a form to your product. Hence, it is really important to sit with a designer and get your packaging design ready.

Paying attention to these small things will help you to achieve recognition and business in the market. Getting ahead of the competition is really necessary and you can do it by focusing on your product and its packaging.  


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