Having a website Live and waiting for visitors to come?? The fact is they’ll never come if they don’t know you exist online. So how to inform them?? Answer is, Digital marketing.

Indeed, Digital marketing makes your brand more recognizable and approachable online. So that you reach your end goals to meet the target audience and can promote your services. Digital marketing is a wide subject, offering many ways to promote your brand online.

We at Rjm, offering digital marketing services in for the companies who seek the website traffic also effective ROI from website investment. As per your marketing needs and business level, we are going to promote your business on relevant platforms.

Google Ads Campaign

PPC ads or Search ads are the google advertising platform for brands to run paid campaigns at google channels. The top three posts with the ad label, above the organic results are google text ads. And the great thing about PPC ads is you only pay when someone clicks on your Ads. Along with PPC ads, google offers six more kinds of ads and each with its own platform and presentation. Confused what kinds of ad fit for you ?? We as PPC company in , available for you to find the right as match and manage the campaigns.

Facebook Marketing

Like Google’s ad, Facebook also provides paid campaigns for businesses to reach even more targeted niche audiences. A customized audience and target group are something that gives you more insight into your marketing efforts. Whether your goal is to build your brand awareness, service promotion or website visits Facebook advertising is at best. All you need is your business page, right marketing efforts and defined goal. Have everything ready, let’s get start.

LinkedIn Marketing

Apart from any other social media channels, LinkedIn is it’s highly professional. That enabling a professional work community and B2B interactions, LinkedIn is also the right place for businesses to find the next qualified leads. Even better LinkedIn advertising lets promote your services directly to optimum audiences, who most likely to become your actual customers. Want to connect with them, we can help.

Lead Generation Campaign

Leads mean business. Lead generation is not an easy task, but a business requirement. Having as much as business inquires should not be the goal, but receiving qualified ones is. So how to bring the right people to fill up a form and ask for your service. A customized lead generation that’s something worth. Here at Rjm, we run lead generation campaigns at a platform that suits your business and services you are offerings. This helps to reach the right audience better. Lack of qualified lead or want to run lead generation campaigns digitally, sure we are here to guide you.

Content Marketing

In digital marketing, contents are way more valuable than just educating the audience. Content is a marketing tool for businesses to reach the target audience and present the custom message that is completely designed for them. Our service includes blog creation, ebooks, newsletters plus whitepapers also landing page creation and more. Looking for content marketing services, we are here to write and promote your business.

Email Marketing

Looking for an easy, cost-effective marketing solution to promote your business?? Email marketing certainly the best. Email marketing is not dead, just updated and become more advanced. When done the right way email marketing can generate and retain the business you want. Not having enough time to manage the email campaigns, our email marketing helps you with email delivery and custom newsletter to your prospects and existing customers.

Youtube Advertising / Ad

Apart from an entertaining and educational platform, youtube is the second-best search engine. Youtube advertisements are upgraded versions of television commercials, but with possible direct interaction, also audience targeting comes with a cost-effective marketing solution. In-stream, masthead, preroll are kinds of youtube ads. Each serving its own purpose and message delivery. Want to promote your business through the youtube ads, surely you can. You need the right video presenting your business and that’s it.

Social Media Post Design

Social media are great online communities, with wide interest groups. But each social media has its own audience and content requirements. You can create one form of content and publish it all at once. Not an effective marketing approach indeed. You need customized messages considering the media platform needs. Struggling to create the right media content, and looking for someone to design for your social media presence, that’s why we here for. Understanding your business and prospects type, we help you with regular social media post creation to share with the right community.

No, your products and services all are well, just your traditional marketing approach is not applicable anymore? How about doing promotion through digital platforms, that result-driven plus budget-friendly, too.

Surely we are here to guide you in promoting your brand online.

Strategy + Branding = Next Level in Business