Tips to Use in Strategy of Social Media Marketing

6 Tips to use in your Strategy of Social Media for Marketing to acquire Leads and Profits in 2020

Social media marketing has opened doors of possibilities and profits. Many businesses are finding it easy to create profiles on social media channels to advertise their products and services. Even small businesses are gaining recognition because of social media. It is 2020, and the best thing that you can do is use social media for marketing.

The amazing part is that there are a lot of people that use social media. Hence, as a brand, your target audience can be varied but, you can find them on different social media channels easily. Although, each platform offers different things and thus, it is a good idea to research on the kind of people that use those platforms. Based on that, you can match the audiences with your brand and then, choose to use a particular social media for marketing.

However, some of the things stay the same over all the social media channels and hence, you should look in to that.

Make aesthetic social media graphics

This is probably the most important gist of being on social media. All of them are visual platforms. You either need an attractive graphic or an engaging video to gain the attention of your customers. Thus, you will have to pay special attention to your social media graphics. Please do not upload anything random or of low quality. This will decrease your engagement as people will not prefer to like or comment on such a graphic.

Also, your competitors are present on social media. Hence, you need to provide good content and top social media graphics, if you want to stand out. Always hire a good graphic designer as he can help you with social media for marketing.

Content for your social media graphics

Content is quite literally the king when it comes to social media. There are millions of accounts present on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and even Pinterest. However, what sets a few accounts apart from the others, is the content. You will have to add value in your customer’s life by solving a problem or entertaining them. Thus, if your content is not projected in that direction, your social media for marketing will give you no profits.

Always plan and design a Facebook Post

Ask your graphic designer to use colours and designs that visually please a human’s eye. If you create such social media graphics then it will be difficult to go unnoticed. Apart from that, you can always try asking questions in your post design for Facebook. This will force your audiences to engage and give you a valid reply.

Apart from that, always upload certain posts that contain branded content of your company. Add your company’s logos and products or services in a post. You can even add a motivational quote with your company’s logo in the bottom. This is the best way to design a Facebook post.

Apart from that, you can use long captions and embedded links in a post design for Facebook. Hence, use that opportunity to tell raw brand stories. People love knowing your behind the scenes and it is the best way to establish a relationship with your audience.

Always make a creative Instagram post design

You do not have to only design a Facebook post but, also discuss creative Instagram post design with your graphic designer. It is important to understand that both Facebook and Instagram are popular social media channels. The youth is there and if you want to target them, then you have to be present of these two millennial accounts, especially.

Instagram is a completely visual platform and thus, you will have to make high quality social media graphics for that. You can use motivational quotes, industry news, tips for your industry, memes related to your field, product reviews and product pictures for a creative Instagram post design. However, it is a good idea to plan your complete content a month in advance. This will help you to stay consistent with your social media for marketing.

Also, Instagram is a very social platform. Thus, apart from making a creative Instagram post design, you will have to engage with different accounts while liking their pictures and commenting on their posts.

Social media for marketing is quite cost effective

It is recommended to increase your fans and followers on social media channels organically. However, all the platforms have their own advertisement options that help you to increase your reach. The best advertisement tool is offered by Facebook. They have so many filters that you can literally create your target audience and reach them with your products and services.

Although, advertisements require clear and concise social media graphics. Post design for Facebook should only contain 20% of text in the graphic. The rest of the information can always be added in the caption. Also, Facebook helps you optimise your ads based on your budget. This is a good way of reaching your audience to generate leads.

You can integrate Facebook and Instagram. Thus, your Facebook ads can run on Instagram as well. However, your advertisement will require a creative Instagram post. Thus, work with your graphic designer and ask him to show you various options of graphics. Make sure to add a post design for Facebook that explains things clearly. Only then, you will be able to acquire leads and make profits with the help of these social media channels.

Use social media graphics that encourage a two way communication

Social media gives you an amazing power of understanding your audience and their needs. You can know their interests and collect feedback for your products as well. This will help you in serving them better. Also, if you understand their concerns and make changes accordingly, you can generate a huge amount of profit with social media for marketing.

Thus, try and create post design for Facebook that is asking your customers to share their thoughts, ideas and questions. Also, hire a social media manager who is quick in responding to their comments and messages. This will help you create a relationship with your audience. This two way communication will be a win-win situation for both. Also, this will help you create brand awareness and a loyal customer fan base.

Social media for marketing has a wide range of audience

Almost every age group is available on social media. Thus, you have a possibility of reaching a wide audience that was not available for you with a brick and mortar store. You can tell various people about your products. You can educate them on your services as well. Apart from that, you can direct them to your website and store and encourage them to make sales.

It is important to understand that the social media users are active. There are rarely any dormant accounts on it. So, the possibility of gaining recognition also increases, if you use social media for marketing. However, remember to create a good design for Facebook and a creative post for Instagram. Also, focus on the captions. Only then, you will be able to ace the social media marketing game and reap the benefits of the same. There is nothing boring than a dull post design for Facebook. So, remember to seek professional help.

Social media for marketing allows you to share a lot about your business

A lot of customers are preferring social media sites of brands. They are becoming like a go-to thing for them. This is because it is easy to contact the brand and solve your customer care issues as well. The main reason for this is that social media graphics are updated on a daily basis on business accounts. All the information is up to date and as a brand, you can also announce the recent events and upcoming product launches.

Thus, it becomes easy for your customers to know about you. Also, you do not have to spend thousands of rupees in newspaper and magazine ads, every time you launch a new product. Also, you get a chance to make most of your activity public. Hence, it can be indexed by various search engines as well. So, this is one more way you can use social media for marketing to serve your audience in a better way, as your information will show up, if someone is looking for it online.


These were some of the ways through which you can use social media for marketing. Although, it is impossible to grow social media accounts while focusing on the business as it is a demanding and time consuming process. So, it is important to seek professional help to create social media graphics that enlighten your audience in your brand’s favour.

Also, design a Facebook post with special attention. The same applies for a creative Instagram post design. There is a dire need of understanding that social media is everywhere. Almost everyone is using smartphones and thus, it is a good opportunity to connect to your audience with the help of mobile friendly social media applications.

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