7 Digital Marketing Strategies

7 Digital Marketing Strategies that can shoot your Real-estate business like none other

digital marketing

The business world and marketing tactics are ever changing. For instance, some years ago, properties were considered to be a luxury investment. It was said that only the rich could afford it. At the same time, the process of buying property was very long and strenuous. Property seekers had to sign long documents and also find a good real estate broker who could help them with the complete deal. 

However, the trends have changed after the introduction of internet and technology. Real estate brochure design sample properties can be seen online. Many clients just view it virtually and then, decide to meet the relator for further business. The best part is that it saves time for everyone. At the same time, a lot of people are looking to invest in properties as it has massive returns. It is no more a habit of the rich only.

However, if you own a real estate business, then you might be aware of the competition that you have to face in the market. Hence, it is a good idea to plan your digital marketing strategy to get ahead in the business. You can form real estate brochures and develop social media strategies. The possibilities are endless.  

To jump start your digital marketing strategies, use the following list as a reference.

Create an Email Campaign

If you pitch to the right kind of audience, then email marketing can do wonders for you. It is an essential tool that helps you in connecting with new leads and past clients on a daily basis. However, you do need a well- rounded campaign for the same. A good campaign will help you funnel potential clients through planned actions based on their buyer’s portfolio and previous collaborations with you. 

Based on a survey carried out by Smart Insights, 27% is the average open rate for emails in a real estate business. The CTR is 3% and the more relevant your content is, the more conversions you will get. It is a good idea to attach your brochure and catalogue designs in the email campaigns while remarketing.

Make a Brochure

Real estate brochures are almost the backbone of the business. A well-made real estate brochure design sample can do wonders for your business. This is because a brochure has enough space to contain all the information of a particular property site. You can include the area and the benefits of buying a particular property in a designated area. Apart from that, brochures contribute in branding as well.

You can choose to have digital and paper brochures as well. Clients who visit your office can always carry the brochure with them. It becomes a vital piece of literature and clients usually trust companies who can give them something in writing. At the same time, having an online catalogue design can contribute drastically in your digital marketing strategy. You can post the brochures on all the social media channels. Apart from that, you can run paid advertising with the help of your real estate brochures.   

Paid advertising will help you to attract leads. You can always curate a form to fill with the advertisement. Interested people who fill in the form can then be contacted via email or phone. Apart from that, digital brochures give you the liberty of adding videos to your brochures. Thus, you can make your real estate brochures to be fun and creative. Innovative brochures will surely catch your client’s eye on the internet and through that you can leverage a lot of sales. Always check for various brochure design samples with your graphic designer to make sure that they are attractive and engaging. 

Make a user friendly website

If you are planning to conduct digital marketing for your real estate business, then make sure to own a website. Your business will skyrocket, if you have a website. However, you should have a user-friendly website. A lot of real estate businesses have websites that do not load fast because of a lot of photos and links. However, this increases your bounce rate and that is not good for your business.

Thus, hire a professional web developer who can help you create a site that does not take forever to load. Get a responsive website that is optimized for smartphone browsing as well. Most of the clients prefer to browse through their phones and thus, if your website is not mobile-friendly, then you are losing out on clients.

Apart from that, upload real estate brochures on your website. You can explain the different sites with an e-catalogue design on your website. Clients can have a better idea and then, contact you based on their demands.

Have Virtual Tours

If you have a sample house ready, then you can host a virtual tour for your clients. This strategy can come in the later stage. However, it is a very beneficial strategy. For example, if you are selling holiday homes and farm houses, then you might want to target audiences from different cities and countries as well. Thus, virtual tours can be really handy for clients who would like to see the complete property before fixing a meeting.

The virtual tours are identified as video content. It is said that video content generates 49% revenue and it does that quickly as compared to literature. You can always show the virtual tours to clients who are really interested to purchase the property. Apart from that, you can curate real estate brochures with the video content in them. They can be mailed directly to your potential customers.

Get a Social Media Strategy Curated

It is one thing to post content related to real estate and your property sites on your social media, while it is a completely different thing to have a full-fledged social media strategy. You will have to acquire professional help for the latter but, the results will pay off. You can post content like: new and existing listings, case studies, blog posts, testimonials and success stories. 

Although, social media channels require regular posting in order to show some result. It is not possible for you as a realtor to divert your time for something like that. Hence, you must hire a digital marketing agency. They have a team of professionals who can dedicate their complete time in forming your social media strategy. You will need brochure and catalogue designs to flourish your social media strategies as well.

SEO is the key

Almost any digital strategy is incomplete without SEO. Search engine optimization is the technique to derive leads for your websites. If the process is done correctly, then it can acquire you a lot of leads that can convert in to sales as well. The whole idea is to get your website in the first page of Google. At the same time, your website will require brochure and catalogue designs of your sites. Thus, make sure to create those before starting the process of SEO. 

SEO is a crucial strategy which is beneficial in competitive times. Thus, you must pay attention to it. Always hire a professional agency or a freelancer who can dedicate their complete time in forming backlinks, Meta descriptions, online directories and optimizing catalogue designs for your real estate business.

Host a Webinar

Webinars are the newest digital marketing trend. However, they are beneficial as well. You can talk about your real estate expertise with the help of online workshops and webinars. You can educate you clients on the best properties and investment schemes. Although, at the end of the webinar, you can talk about your site with the help of brochure and catalogue designs.  

You will also get the data of potential customers. It is a good idea to send your company’s real estate brochure on their email. In this way, they will know about your company and your work. Webinars are one of the best way to generate leads and target potential clients.


These were some of the digital marketing strategies that you can use for your real estate business. However, each strategy requires brochure design samples. Thus, it is a good idea to hire a professional graphic designer and curate an insightful and attractive catalogue design for your business. A good thing is that you will have to create one brochure for a particular site in different sizes. Hence, it is just a one-time investment. However, it is possible to circulate that real estate brochure on multiple social media channels and mediums.  

Apart from that, focus on various strategies to get more business. Take some time out to design buyer profiles. They are the ideal clients who can be targeted with the help of your brochure and catalogue designs. Take some time out to map out your audience. Add new homeowners to existing agents in your target list. Even map out characteristics like their profession and average salary. This is because such things will impact their overall decision making process. Apart from that, the whole idea is to be relevant and attract readers based on your content and catalogue designs.

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