
4 Global Branding Solutions That Will Take Your Local Brand To Global

It is a good idea to expand your business in all the directions. However, this can be done when your brand is performing well in its existing capacity. Expanding your business is a good idea as that is the only way to grow. You can expand it in another city, country or even the continent based on its current scenario. Although, it is important to study the complete scenario and then move further. You can also consult and branding agency in before you take the final step towards selecting your next business location. This is because it is important to have a complete understanding of that location and the amount of customers in your niche there.

If you are planning to take your brand global, then read on these few steps given below. They will give you some good insights and also suggestions to grow your business beyond local limits.

1.Consistency and Standardisation

Local to global branding requires standardisation. It does not matter which field you are in. This particular thing is a must. You must abide by the ethics, promises and messages that you conveyed in the beginning of forming your brand. This will help you to look true and credible in front of your audience. At the same time, the speciality of your brand that helped you gain popularity should also remain the same. For example, if you are a restaurant owner that is known for your signature dishes then, those recipes should remain the same.

2.Customer reach

Global branding requires people to know you. When you are entering any new location, make sure that people are able to recognise you. For example, Adidas and Nike are two sport brands that everyone recognises in their local markets. Hence, before moving forward, you must either spend some money on social media marketing. This will help you in getting some leverage on your customers. They will start recognising you from there. Also, add posts about your story and what you have accomplished as a brand. This will also help customers in understanding your brand.

It is important to understand that only supply chain will not be enough to take your business from local to global branding. Use digital marketing and spread the news of your arrival in that particular location. This will help in gaining popularity. Also, give your customers reasons to purchase from you over the existing local brands in that particular location.

3.Have a localisation strategy

It is a good idea to keep the same basics of your brand. However, mixing it with the local culture a little bit is always a good idea. For example, Starbucks is known for its amazing range of beverages, especially coffee. However, they were not a success in China as people prefer to drink tea there. Hence, the brand tweaked their menu a little bit and started offering tea as well. This is how it was possible for them to sustain in China.

Thus, it is important to have a localisation strategy. In fact, the food industry is highly based on localisation strategy in most parts of the world. This is because the food habits vary from region to region. However, if you are not a food brand, you can still imply this strategy and benefit from it. It is one of the best ways to perform global branding.  

4.Research and penetration of the market

Global branding solutions are not very tricky. However, you must strategize them. So, you must start by understanding the interests and choices of your new market. This can prove to be really beneficial for you. It can help you to tweak your business model as per the demands of the existing region and its customers. For example, companies like Toyota apply the same strategy for their cars in different regions of the world. They introduce country specific models and thus, they are a success every time.

It is important to understand that every business will have a different approach to global branding. Thus, you need to understand what fits for your industry and work based on that. So, explore the new market properly and modify your product without losing the central idea of your brand. Then, penetrate in the new market.


These were some of the global branding solutions to remember when taking your business from local to global branding. Just strategize everything properly and then make an investment.  

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